
Why glued beam is so in demand

The arrangement of dwellings from glued beams to date is a whole impressive direction in the field of housing construction. With the help of this material, you can now build buildings of various kinds. It can be cottages, at home or bathhouse.

Customers accept this material quite well for the reason that it is characterized by a huge number of different advantages. It is enough to say that thermal insulation of the log house made of this material is much higher than that of a brick house and even cellular concrete.

For the manufacture of glued beams in most cases, spruce, cedar, linden, pine is used. All these materials show themselves well, but still especially practical options are the use of a beam from spruce. It is at the same time the warmest, but also very unpretentious wood. Some in a wooden house began to install bulk floors usually before buying them should consult a specialist.

Glued timber due to a special structure cannot crack. This means that dwellings from it are obtained as reliable and with a large operational period. Also, do not forget how environmentally friendly this material is.

It is worth saying about the speed of construction of houses when using glued timber. They are being built in only two or three months, since all the most difficult operations with the beam have already been performed in the factory. It remains only to collect a log house.

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