
Who is an engineer and requirements for a candidate

Engineers are a kind of inventors. Representatives of the specialty make people’s lives and work easier with the help of complex mechanisms and functional devices. It is difficult to find categories of production, social and public life that could do without their participation.

Every year the need for workers in this field increases. At the same time, universities that teach the engineering profession provide more and more qualified graduates for various spheres of human activity. It is difficult to determine the most popular niches in this profile – personnel are needed everywhere.

The shoulders of workers are not only the need to design, assemble and test an invention, but also to accompany the process of its operation, develop repair methods. At the same time, not everything that engineers usually do is related to maintaining the operating cycle of a technical product. Certain categories of employees of the profile are engaged in scientific activities.

Regardless of the category of specialization of the employee, there are requirements for the type of his thinking – it must be mathematical, logical, predisposed to analysis.

Desired personal qualities of an engineer:

  • accuracy up to pedantry;
  • responsibility and perseverance;
  • creativity and spatial imagination;
  • purposefulness and initiative;
  • self-confidence and the ability to defend a point of view.

The profession of an engineer is a calling. A person who is ready to spend hours performing complex mathematical calculations and looking for a solution to a given problem can satisfy all of the listed requirements. He is ready to regularly attend specialized forums and courses to improve his qualifications and acquire new skills.

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