
Preparatory work for wall surfaces

If wallpaper coatings are glued in the kitchen on the walls, then the beginning of all the work is their tearing. To do this, in a bucket of warm water, it is necessary to dissolve a slightly washing powder mixture. Further on the wallpaper, the holes are made with a knife, and such a surface is moistened with a roller. After such simple work, wet and swollen, the wallpaper will be easy to tear off the wall. Then get rid of the residues of the plaster. The surfaces of the wooden frame are covered with olyaphi prepared for such purposes.

Especially such an operation is important in old buildings, where, due to its long service life, such a frame is very often in a deplorable state. You can rent an apartment in Izhevsk without intermediaries and train there preparatory work. When this condition is completely unsatisfactory, then it must be replaced with a fresh “carpentry”. Such an operation is carried out using the most ordinary nail, or the construction crowbar “Fomki”.

After drying the Olifa, a Serpi tape is attached on the surface, which is attached with screws. Next follows the primer and drying. As a result, after all these repair and construction work, the following picture should be obtained: the wall surfaces were leveled, and the primer dried up on them. The final part of this stage should be considered installation work on the grooves for laying the wire.

A machine for grinding angular surfaces is made a deepening to a depth of about one cm. Then the brush is primed. A wire is started in it and fixed with a solution of construction gypsum. This ends the stage of preparatory work in the kitchen. With sufficient dexterity, such a complex of construction operations is carried out within a few hours, if we are talking about the kitchen in the standard Khrushchevka.

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