
New building material warm ceramics

There are currently a huge number of various building materials that are able to completely and completely replace the classic brick. One of these elements is warm ceramics.

Warm ceramics have been presented on the construction market for a long time, but even in a short time it was able to win the love of popularity among buyers. The thing is that this material will help completely and completely get rid of heat -insulating materials, which will significantly reduce the cost of capital construction in general. Warm ceramics is a type of ceramic brick, with a special internal structure.

Diesel generators have always been a certain popularity. It is difficult to find a simpler and more reliable system for obtaining electric energy in places remote from stationary electric lines. And diesel generator the price on which depends not only on the power that it can develop, but also on which platform is placed the generator diesel. So, in particular, a diesel generator on the chassis is much more valued than a stationary diesel generator not designed for transportation.

The internal structure of warm ceramics is hollow blocks with closed pores. It is thanks to the presence of hundreds of tiny pores that warm ceramics by an order of magnitude exceeds the thermal insulation properties of classical brick, and is approaching its characteristics to glass wool or other professional isolation. Hundreds of a micropor are formed due to the fact that a special filler is added to the ceramic brick. Sprips can be used as a filler in warm ceramics, which fade when firing, thereby forming many microports, which affect thermal insulation in the most positive way.

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