
Independent building of the frame house

The simplicity of building and increased resistance to seismic activity is what distinguishes the frame houses of St. Petersburg from block. You can build such a house yourself according to the following sequence of steps.

For the construction, you will need: concrete mixer, corrugated reinforcement with a diameter of 12 mm, laminated chipboard, sand, cement, gravel, foam concrete or shells, construction level, lapse, plumb and shovel with a bucket.

1. First you need to mark and dig the foundation under the house. The depth, thickness and composition of the solution for filling the foundation is determined depending on the soil and calculated loads on the foundation. And the height from the surface of the Earth to the end of the foundation depends on the inclination of the plane of the earth and the average sediment height.

2. At the places of installation of columns are set reinforcement. It can be immediately scored in the ground so that the steel rods stick out upward. It must be taken into account that the seismo -pile should be connected to the reinforcement welding.

3. After the flooded foundation dries, the formwork is removed and the formwork shields are mounted under the filling of the columns. If the masonry is with shells in sizes of 40x20x20, then the columns should have a thickness of not more than 40 cm. And when using foam concrete 25 cm of thickness or Inkerman limestone from 20 to 27cm of the thickness of the column should be no wider than the future wall.

4. The columns are poured with a cement-sand mixture with the addition of crushed stone. First you need to determine the amount of cement to create a sand mixture. Take one bucket of sand and add to it a 13th part of the cement-sand mortar. If the mixture does not fit into the bucket, then a lot of sand and cement mixture is taken. Now, knowing the proportions of the solution, several concrete mixers of the composition are kneaded and the formwork is poured with it.

6. It must be remembered that all the columns should be vertical and have the same thickness. Put them in the corners of the house, on slopes and in places of openings. If the wall is longer than 3 meters, then it is necessary to put intermediate columns. The distance between the parts of the monolithic frame should not be more than 3 meters.

7. Now spread a stone and pour a seismic belt over the walls.

The house is ready. You can start finishing and roofing work.


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