
Heat steam and moisture insulation of frame houses

Only construction using frame technology allows you to ensure maximum energy efficiency with minimal expenses. However, it is necessary to fulfill an important requirement: when erecting an object, high -quality thermal insulation materials should be applied. Just the use of new modern heat insulators led to the fact that the frame technology again began to be popular. The fact is that thermal insulation material is the main component of the design. Moreover, it is important that he demonstrates high efficiency throughout the entire period of service of the house. During the application of a high -quality insulator, heating costs can be minimized, which in monetary equivalent corresponds to a rather significant amount. In this regard, you should not even think about saving on thermal insulation material. The heater proposed today can be conditionally qualified for two types: organic and inorganic, made using fiberglass and mineral wool. It is best to carry out thermal insulation of ceilings and walls using materials that have a fibrous structure. Say, these can be materials based on fiberglass, which is offered by the company Izover. Compared to organic heaters, such thermal insulation is a class of materials that differ in non -combustibility. It provides for a quality certificate and satisfies all the requirements of hygiene and fire safety. In addition to this, the materials based on fiberglass demonstrate absolute moisture resistance during operation. This thermal insulation material is perfectly preserved throughout the entire period of operation, which is associated with a special structure of glass fiber, reaching a length of 10-15 cm. In addition to this, such a heater does not create difficulties in installation, cutting and demonstrates resistance to rotting. For the effective maintenance of heat in the house, it is necessary that the insulation outside is protected from the wind. For this purpose, a special windproof film is used, which minimizes heat loss and does not allow fibers from thermal insulation material. In addition to this, such a film perfectly protects the insulator from moisture penetration. From the inside, the protection of the material should provide vapor barrier, thanks to which it will be possible to avoid wet air between the frame and the insulation. In addition to this, the use of vapor barrier material will prevent steam condensation when it will cool next to the outer part of the frame design. An important role is also assigned to the qualitative installation of wind and vapor barrier materials, and in addition to the competent sealing of all seams. During the construction of a house using frame technology, wide opportunities are opened for internal and external decoration. This should be called an important advantage. You can currently distinguish several dozen technologies of frame construction of houses. If you evaluate the frame house from the standpoint of rationality, it should be said that it will act an excellent housing option. Indeed, in addition to unusual architectural execution, it will be distinguished by the use of modern building materials that have excellent characteristics, and in addition to this efficiency and aesthetic appearance.

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