
Frequent urination during pregnancy

The whole lifestyle of a woman changes with pregnancy, filling the world around other values, cares, thoughts, the social status of a woman is changing – she is preparing to become a mother. The same global changes take place inside the woman – the whole organism now gives a lot of effort to cultivate a new life, caring and protecting the future baby all 9 months, each of which is characterized by a new stage in the development of the fetus and the corresponding changes in the woman’s body.

The expectant mother during this period is experiencing many new conditions, most of them cause discomfort, although they are passing and explained by physiological changes in the organs. For example, this is an unpleasant sensation – frequent urination during pregnancy.

Causes of rapid urination

I-th trimester. Many women, rapid urination begins to bother before they realized that in position. It is frequent urination that a sign of pregnancy, which is understandable to experienced women before all tests. This is due to a change in the hormonal background of the body, because from the first hours of pregnancy, chorionic gonadotropin – a hormone of pregnancy, enhancing a similar state begins to stand out.

The second reason for constant urination during pregnancy is the anatomical diligence of the uterus, which is located between the rectum, the bladder and initially tilted to the side of the bubble, which in the pressed state is forced to constantly signal the filling of the filling. The third reason is reinforced kidney work. Now the kidneys perform a double load – they remove products of the body of the body of a woman and baby. Increasing the work of the kidneys entails emptying the bladder.

II Trimester. By the 4th month, the uterus grows up, the pressure on the bladder decreases significantly, reducing the urge to urinate. If there is still frequent urge to go to the toilet along a small one, this is an occasion to consult your doctor, a leading pregnancy.

III Trimester. Frequent urination during pregnancy during this period is justified, first of all, an increase in the volume of fluid in the entire body. After all, the number of waterflower waters has increased, which is updated every 3 hours. The uterus has now grown noticeably, again exerts strong pressure on the bladder, forcing to empty 5-10 times in an hour. The last few weeks of gestation of the baby falls below the pelvis, presses on the bladder, therefore, even with its minimum filling, the woman really wants to urinate.

Many future mothers even complain of reflex incontinence of urine during coughing or sneezing. This condition is absolutely normal, which passes after the baby is gestable.

Signs of diseases

Frequent urination during pregnancy is at least a normal physiological process, but still requires careful listening to your body during the period of gestation. There are several signs that may accompany constant urge to indicate a painful state of the body. They need to pay attention to them and immediately see a doctor to provide the necessary drug assistance.

If the following signs accompanying urination are observed, consult a doctor:

elevated body temperature;

pain in the lower abdomen, lower back;

painful urination (pain, rubber, burning);

unpleasant or pungent smell of urine;

muddy urine, blood impurities;

Very rare urge.

Such signs are accompanied by such infectious diseases of the kidneys, urinary tract as:




How to help with frequent urination

A very common opinion with frequent urination during pregnancy is less to drink fluids. But you cannot decrease the amount of liquid, especially the filtered water. It should be at least 1, 5 liters per day. There are more wise solutions to the problem of rapid urination.

Avoid diuretic drinks 2-3 hours before bedtime-coffee, tea, green teas, fruit drinks, decoctions.

“Farm” with a daytime sleep that helps the body recover and significantly reducing the load during night sleep.

Exclude all salty, sharp, fried, smoked – products that enhance thirst for thirsty from the diet.

At every visit to the toilet, try to empty the bladder as much as possible, leaning a little forward.

Do not allow yourself to tolerate yourself without worrying about the number of urge.

It is better to choose a bandage with fasteners below, in the perineum, like a body, this will be easier when visiting a toilet.

During driving, it is necessary to avoid the loaded roads and be driving for a long time, as this forces the woman to endure the urge for a long time for urination, which leads to stretching the bladder, increasing the number of urge, as well as weakening the sphincter already in the postpartum period, which looks like it looks like urinary incontinence.

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