
Expanded clay concrete new material in the construction market

In Russian construction, expanded clay concrete blocks are not used as often as abroad. There, when using this material, about forty percent of all buildings are being built. Despite the fact that expanded clay concrete blocks have a significantly lower price than foam concrete or brick, their characteristics are in no way inferior to them, and in some ways they even surpass.

Receive these blocks as a result of mixing foam and clay. The mixture is burned like a brick, which allows you to get a very reliable and strong material. In terms of strength, artificial stone countertops can be compared. In addition, expanded clay concrete in a number of properties exceeds ordinary concrete. This is a great resistance to chemicals and moisture, and high noise insulation. Ceramzitonic blocks do not rust and do not rot, have excellent fire characteristics.

The thermal insulation characteristics of expanded clay concrete surprise even specialists – as a result of the ability to accumulate heat, expanded clay concrete houses lose heat much less than concrete buildings.

In addition, this material can be attributed to economical. To erect the same in the size of the structures of the mixture of ordinary concrete, it is required significantly larger than expanded clay concrete blocks. And the weight of the latter is almost one and a half times less. This, respectively, requires significantly lower physical and material costs when building an object.

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