
Ceiling ceiling with ceiling tiles

Glue ceiling tiles are square polystyrene slabs, less often rectangular shape. Sometimes they are called “cassetones” or adhesive ceiling. The process of manufacturing tiles occurs by mixing various types of pigments (mineral, wood, etc. P.), and in the future, the blanks are covered with vinyl and polystyrene.

The advantage of this type of ceiling finish is the widest selection of the surface of the tile surface, so you can realize almost any of your imagination in the design of the room, starting from imitation of wood and stucco molding and ending with stone rocks and metal.

The technology of gluing cassetons is called seamless and requires a fairly flat surface for a tight fit of tiles. It is necessary to prepare the ceiling – remove all previous layers, primer cracks and eliminate irregularities and, in conclusion, apply plaster and primer compositions to the ceiling.

After the ceiling is prepared and has a flat surface, to lay the plates in the correct order and direction, the surface should be marking. This is done using a thread that is pulled diagonally from one corner to another (cross to the cross). At the intersection of the threads there will be a marking center, and from it you should make lines (pencil marking), which will indicate how to glue the tiles smoothly. First, the first tile is glued to the center of the ceiling. And then from it it is necessary to glue cassetones with parallel rows strictly by marking. For tight fit and good strength, the tile to the ceiling is glued with special glue (can be purchased at any construction store), which is evenly applied to the surface of the tiles and then tightly pressed to the surface of the ceiling. If, nevertheless, in the preparation of the ceiling, unevenness was allowed, in connection with which the edges of the tiles are not closely close to each other, you need to use sewing pins to accurately fasten places lagging behind each other. And after drying, gently extract pins. It is also possible to use tiles with connecting sides – rowing parts, which are attached with nails. At the same time, the strength of the closure of the plates is achieved, and thanks to manufacturing technology, the connecting nails will be hidden from prying eyes.

Uplaced tiles can also be painted with water -based paint in any shade you like. The cleaning of the unfolded tiles is carried out only with a dry soft cloth, or a vacuum cleaner. Recommendation: Try to clean the resulting spots with a simple stationery eraser.

When using an adhesive ceiling, in the form of polystyrene tiles, it is possible not only to save your budget and give free rein to the decoration of the premises, but also to give it noise insulation properties.

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