
Polyp in the uterine cavity causes symptoms and treatment

The polyp in the uterine cavity is the growth of its mucous membrane of a benign nature, which is a consequence of a hormonal disorder. This pathology can occur both in a girl of adolescence and in a woman during menopause.


The exact cause of the appearance of polyps in the uterine cavity has not been established, but most doctors believe that their formation is associated with a violation of the hormonal background. So, for example, tests showed that their growth is affected by the hormone estrogen. The higher its level in the body of a woman. the more the polyp is growing. Also, the reasons for the appearance of polyps in the uterus include:

Inflammatory uterine disease.

Mechanical effect on the uterus (curettage, installation of an intrauterine spiral).


An increase in the number of estrogens with a simultaneous decrease in progesterone.

Endocrine diseases.

Decrease in the body’s immune defenses.


The polyp in the uterine cavity can manifest itself as the following features:

Discharge of bloody nature, appearing during sexual intercourse or after.


Pain for sex.

The appearance of bleeding outside menstruation.

Too abundant and long periods.

Fighting pain of the bottom of the abdomen.

The appearance of vaginal white.

In some cases, polyps of the endometrium in the uterus do not manifest themselves in any way until a certain time.


Polyps in the uterine cavity are classified according to the histological structure:

fibrous – connective tissue prevails;

glandular – consist of gland;

adenomatous – glandular tissue containing anti -spike cells. Is a precancerous education;

Zhelezisto-fibrous polyp consists of a gland and connective tissue.


A gynecological inspection is performed to make an initial diagnosis using mirrors. During this procedure, the doctor can detect a polyp sagging from the cervix. The tests for hormones, general blood and urine tests, as well as strokes for infections and flora are prescribed. Further, for a more accurate confirmation of the diagnosis, the following procedures are necessary:

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs – helps to determine the thickness and structure of the endometrium, as well as identify the presence of inflammation;

uterine hysteroscopy – examination of the body and cervix using a miniature video camera. Allows you to remove the polyp during the procedure. The resulting material is directed for histological examination;

colposcopy reveals the localization and structure of the polyp;

biopsy with the study of educational structures of education;

Diagnostic curettage of the uterus.


The tactics of treating polyps in the uterine cavity depends on the following:

Age of the patient:

the reasons for the development of pathology;

general condition of the patient;

neglect of the disease;

research results.

It is worth considering that in some situations the treatment of polyps in the uterine cavity is not required, since very often, with normalizing the hormonal background of a woman, they disappear on their own. It is necessary to get rid of them without fail, when they provoke infertility, violate the work of the genitals or increase the risk of uterine cancer. Treatment of this pathology can be divided into several methods:

Medication: hormonal drugs are taken, thanks to which the growth of endometrial tissues and a decrease in polyps in the amount are suppressed. But, as a rule, such a method is not long -term even after the cessation of the use of medicines, education continues their growth;

Graduishment – a procedure aimed at removing a polyp from the uterine cavity with a special tool – a curette.

Hysteroscopy of the uterine polyp is performed with suspicions of the malignancy of education.

One hundred percent guarantee that a relapse will not occur after the treatment of the polyp, and that the endometrium cells will not grow again, no one gives. Therefore, observation of the state of the uterus should be performed for a long time.  

Uterine polyps and pregnancy

The polyp of the cervix during pregnancy, as a rule, does not harm either the expectant mother or the fetus. The treatment of this pathology is not performed during gestation, and if necessary, surgical intervention is carried out after childbirth. The only thing that is prescribed to the pregnant woman in this situation is antimicrobial therapy, since the polyp in the uterus can be a distributor of infection. Sometimes, against the background of the formation of pathology, the development of various complications of pregnancy is possible. For example, a polyp in the uterine cavity can cause a frozen pregnancy or miscarriage.

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