
Install a decorative fence made of concrete with our own hands

Clay and sandy soils are ideal for installing a concrete fence. As a rule, numerous measurements are carried out before installation.

Installation of concrete fence is carried out using panels and pillars. First you need to apply the marking lines and only then install the main elements on the installation line. From the boundary of the site you need to make the appropriate indentation, otherwise you will share your fence with your neighbors.

At an altitude half a meter from the ground, we stretch a strong cord along the entire length of your future fence. Next, you need to dig holes, about 60 cm deep. The distance between which should be two meters. Pillars are installed in the holes, which are fixed by split brick or gravel. In your free time, it will be possible to buy glass cutters for it are not very high prices.

Pillars should have special grooves in which wooden rails will be installed. When installing the pillars, it is necessary to constantly level the levels, by digging or falling asleep of holes, otherwise your fence will be crooked. There should be a certain distance between the set posts, which is preserved due to the installation in the grooves of the second rail. Before this, you need to tie a strong rope on the upper part of each pillar. Then the pillar is aligned in level and fixed with gravel. The surface of the surface can be compensated by the length of the pillars. And turn the fence is possible when installing two pillars in one hole.

Painting such a fence must be carried out with special materials for concrete.

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