At one time I went to fitness in a sports club. And among other sets of exercises, among which there were exercises on the platform and with dumbbells, the most beloved was the day when a large rubber ball served as a sports equipment. The so -called fitball. When I stopped going to go on a coincidence of the circumstances on fitness, but I didn’t want to throw classes on the ball, in a sports store I acquired such beauty home. Fortunately, their choice is really big, for every taste. Now, even visiting fitness from time to time, I still do exercises on a home gymnastic ball with regularity, in front of the TV, or with music. What is he like that I like him?
On the features and benefits of fitball in this article.
Gymnastic ball Fitball from Switzerland. It was there that the doctors first began to use balls for classes with patients suffering from impaired motor apparatus. The first doctor to learn the benefits of fitball was Suzan Kleinfogelbach. But the training was so effective that rubber balls began to be used in physiotherapy and, in the future, and in everyday life. Now they have become a full member of the sports community. After all, their convenience and benefit are obvious. Namely.
The benefits of the gymnastic ball – fitball
Along with all other sports supplies, fitball has one undeniable advantage. Its spectrum of application is much wider. After all, if dumbbells can be used more for the muscles of the hands and chest, and the platform for exercises standing, then the ball is suitable for everything. Standing exercises, while sitting, as you like, there is nothing uncomfortable for fitball.
Fitball is very useful for back training. Therefore, for those who have problems in this area, the gymnastic ball is indispensable. All kinds of stretch marks, exercises to strengthen the muscle corset. What can I say, fitball is now used even in yoga (also read the exercises for the back and neck of Qigong here).
Fitball exercises train balance. That is, they are also important for the vestibular apparatus. Some experts even recommend replacing the chairs at home with fitball. Periodically. Because, as sitting on fitball, we are always forced to keep your back evenly and maintain balance. This is useful for the back and the already mentioned vestibular apparatus.
Fitball exercises will make it possible to make a full -fledged complex oriented to each muscle group. So, with it, you can make the tummy flat, thin waist, tighten the buttocks and hips, pump up the chest and strengthen the back. And all this will be not just a training, but a fascinating occupation. Try it and you want again! Especially if the ball is also with a massage effect and your favorite color.
How to choose fitball?
In general, experts advise choosing a gymnastic ball, focusing on growth. But, one knowledgeable woman said to me like this:
“You need to lie on the ball with your back so that it is under your lower back. And if the legs are at right angles, then the ball is in size. But, the main thing is that it is convenient. So that he does not jump out and was not too high. It will immediately feel “.
I chose so. But, just in case, I give the size of the balls in height. If you suddenly lie on him in the store is not allowed.
Choosing Fitball by growth:
growth of less than 152 cm – fitness ball with a diameter of 45 cm;
growth 152 – 165 cm – diameter of the ball 55 cm;
growth 165 – 185 cm – fitness ball with a diameter of 65 cm;
height 185 – 202 cm – the diameter of the ball of the ball 75 cm;
growth of more than 202 cm – diameter fitness of the ball 85 cm.
Or if rude, then we take away 100 from growth and get the necessary phytbole diameter.
Complex of simple fitball exercises.
Of course, the whole range of possible exercises on the gymnastic ball is very wide. Even proposed in this article, you can diversify and change beyond recognition. I will just present to your attention a modest set of exercises that I do. They completely cover all muscle groups and, in principle, are sufficient for constant training. A, for a greater effect, you can diversify these exercises and complicate them.
Press Fitball Exercise.
We go with your back on the ball, and we put our hands in the lock behind the head, or just hold in front of us. So we rise up the case, trying not to overstrain the neck and keep it on the same level with the body. We feel how the muscles of the press are tense. Such a simple exercise will help to support the norm of the abdominal muscles. To regulate the effect on the muscles, you can roll the ball under the lower back or higher.
As the coaches say, the muscles of the abdomen are most effectively pumped on fitball. In addition, it is much more convenient than downloading the press on the floor. The ball is springy and helps us stretch up.
Exercises for buttocks and hips on fitball (get rid of cellulite).
We lie down on the ball with a stomach, rest on the floor with our hands, and bend our legs at the knees. Now lifting your legs up, we feel how the gluteal muscles and muscles of the back of the thigh strain. Such an exercise will help to align the relief of the back of the hips, remove unnecessary bumps and pump up the buttocks. You can raise at first not high, but increase the amplitude of swaying gradually.
Exercises for the back muscles on fitball.
In the same position, only resting your feet on the floor, and your hands are behind your head, you can do exercises for the back. Namely, for the muscle corset. In order to improve blood supply and strengthen our spine. You can call this exercise “press on the contrary”. The principle is the same.
Fitball waist exercises.
Strengthen the oblique muscles of the press, this exercise will help us. We rest on the floor with your knee, and with your hand on the ball, we stretch one leg. Thus, squeezing from the ball with one hand, as if we are tilted to the side. To make it easier, we stretch with a free hand parallel to the floor to the side, according to the movements of the case. So you need to do on both sides. You should feel how the waist muscles are strained.
Exercises for the side surface of the hips on fitball (getting rid of the Galife).
Remaining in the same position as in the previous exercise, we rest against the ball with both hands, and we pull the leg parallel to the floor and bend in the knee. Moreover, the knee should not look forward, but strictly on the same line with our body. Now we make swaying up and down the lifted foot. You must feel how the side muscles of the thigh are strained. We stretch up up. And so on both sides.
Breast exercises on fitball.
Maybe a gymnastic ball will not enlarge the chest, but to strengthen her muscles will help great. So, to do this, we need one very simple exercise. We sit in the lotus pose, the ball in front of us. And just squeeze it with our hands. The muscles of the arms and chest tenses? So it works. Squeezed, released. So as much as we can.
Exercise for intimate muscles on fitball.
When I said that fitball covers all muscle groups, I meant exactly everything. And these including. With the help of not a cunning exercise, you can train intimate muscles. Thus, the gymnastic ball is equal to Kegel’s exercise. To feel it, lay on your back, bend our knees, a gymnastic ball between the knees. Now we squeeze the fitball with your knees as much as we can. It is knees, not cavles. You must feel the stress in the lower abdomen when squeezing. Squeezed, released.
Fitball stretching.
Since the gymnastic ball is used in therapeutic physiotherapy, its beneficial effect on the motor apparatus has already been studied and confirmed. Therefore, we can safely use the fruits of labor of scientists and doctors. I recommend that such an exercise do in breaks between the previous ones to relax the muscles, especially the back, and pull the spine. Just throw your back on the ball. Who is not afraid and holds balance, you can roll, resting on the floor with either with your hands or feet. The spine is stretched and the back is relaxed.
Here is such a simple set of exercises will help maintain the body in good shape. You can do it in time as much as it is convenient for you. You can even meet in 15 minutes. But you can stretch for an hour. As stated, you can diversify this set of exercises with many others that allows you to do fitball. There are quite a lot of them. And if you do not go to fitness, then by acquiring such a ball to your home, you can regularly devote 15 minutes to your figure and beauty, without prejudice to your employment and without interruption from your favorite series. And if you walk, then, in any case, such a super -frying design element will not be superfluous in your apartment, and it will periodically replace your chair.
Therefore, dare! And by the summer season of swimwear without much effort you can buy the most gorgeous bikini.