Every woman who, one way or another, take care of her beauty, must remember that eyelashes are easy to damage poorly low -quality cosmetics. In order to see brilliant, lush and strong eyelashes in the mirror, they must be vitaminized. One of the most important means for giving health to these tiny hairs is almond oil for eyelashes.
It is created from almond nuts, by pressing. In most cases, this oil is colorless, but sometimes it has a yellowish tint. He has a very expressive sweet smell, so that it can serve for the so -called aromatherapy. Has vitamins of groups b, a, e, f.
Thanks to the proteins that are part of it, the oil helps strengthen, protect and restore the weakest cilia.
It can be found in shampoo, oils, creams, lotions. Almond oil for eyelashes is very useful, effective when connecting with different components, as well as in pure form. Mixtures are ideal for daily care.
In addition to the external visual effect, it has a large number of restorative, healing properties acting from the inside. Activates the growth of eyelashes in length and thickness, fuel roots.
Another advantage of almond oil for eyelashes is a low percentage of fat content. Due to this property, it is used to create means that remove makeup. It will not make the eyelids harder. It does not matter that you will have to apply a large amount of mascara or shadows.
The simplest means of using this miracle for eyelash growth is … pure almond oil. All that needs to be done to use it is to warm it up a little in a water bath.
Another popular remedy is a recipe with mineral water. Add a little this substance to a glass of mineral water. Then take a special brush, carefully apply the composition to the cilia. This procedure is advised to carry out several times a day.
An excellent tool for growth and recovery is a mixture of the following oils: linseed, grape seeds, almonds, wheat germ. All of them must be taken in equal proportions, add fish oil, vitamin E. Mix everything well. Apply this composition for a month.
An effective mask for eyelashes is a mixture of petroleum jelly (8 g.), Peruvian balm (0, 2 g.) and almond oil (5g.). It is necessary to mix all the components, apply the product for 15 minutes.
Another remedy that is well amenable to storage is a mixture of oils: almond and tea tree in a ratio of 2: 1. Mix them, place the finished composition in an empty clean bottle from under the old carcass (you can wash with water with household soap). Apply the product very easy. You need to do this within a month at night.
A mixture of 50 ml of oil and chopped chopper vanilla is suitable for eyelash growth. Mix them, give the product to brew for 2 weeks, use.
A remarkable remedy is a mixture of almond oil and burdock root. The procedure for applying it must be performed at least a month 2 times a day.
To give the eyelashes of velvety, mix 3-4 drops of cognac or rum with 15-20 drops of oil, and apply the composition with a brush, watching that it did not get to the mucous membrane of the eyes.
A mixture of almond and castor oils in equal proportions help to reduce eyelash loss. In addition, this mask perfectly moisturizes the skin, perfectly restores damaged follicles. Apply it only once a day. You will notice the first result after a week of use.
Advantages of application
It has a large number of recovery, therapeutic properties.
It can be used to massage sensitive skin around the eyes. This improves the process of blood circulation in the cilia, restores pH.
It can be used as an additional ingredient for carcass. Add a few drops of oil to it, mascara will give your eyelashes an even larger volume.
Make a decoction of the following herbs: sage, lemon balm, linden, mint, green tea. Cool it, add a little almond oil. Moisten the swab in the mixture, attach it for 20 minutes for 20 minutes. After its implementation, you will feel relaxation and ease of eyelids.
Almond oil for eyelash growth is an excellent and very inexpensive remedy that even a child can prepare.