
Breast discharge during pregnancy

Demosions from the breast during pregnancy are often scared of non -informed women. Indeed, many female books or sites tell about the appearance of colostrum as a sign of approaching births. In reality, colostrum during pregnancy begins to stand out in 1 or in 2 trimester. All this is individual and depends on the body of the pregnant woman

Changes in the mammary glands in pregnant women

Most of women from the onset of pregnancy observe breast changes. The mammary glands of the expectant mother can first increase slightly and ache. Further, unpleasant sensations increase, the swelling of the nipples appears, which leads to an increase in their sensitivity.

The first discharge from the breast during pregnancy often appears after 20 weeks, they have a yellowish-proceeding color.

What depends on the presence of discharge from the chest during pregnancy?

The presence of discharge from the mammary glands in pregnant women depends on the production of the hormone prolactin, synthesized in the body only after fertilization.

It is also worth considering that discharge from the chest during pregnancy can appear during breast massage or even when stimulating them during sex.

There is an opinion, the sooner the pregnant woman has a colostrum, the more she will have milk after the birth of the baby. This is not true. The abundance of milk depends on:

how often mom feeds the child;

what she eats herself;

How many fluids it uses.

By the way, discharge from the chest during pregnancy may not be at all. In this case, do not panic, since milk will appear after childbirth, just everything is purely individual.

What the colostrum looks like?

Discharge from the chest during pregnancy in the form of colostrum, is a yellowish slightly sticky liquid, sweet in taste and watery in structure. At first, colostrum has a very bright yellow color and a thick consistency. Closer to childbirth, it will be slightly disclosed and will become older.

Many women consider infamous breast milk. But these discharge from the chest during pregnancy has nothing to do with him. It will appear only after childbirth, after 2-3 days. During gestation of the child, milk does not stand out, since it is in essence and there is no. After all, these first 2-3 days after the birth of the baby eats exclusively colostrum, which is very nutritious and high-calorie.

When the appearance of discharge from the chest during pregnancy can be dangerous?

Sometimes the allocation of colostrum during pregnancy may indicate a threat of interruption. For example, in the presence of other concomitant signs of the threat of miscarriage (bloody discharge, pulling pain in the lower back or lower abdomen). If, with these signs, your chest begins to swell and you colostrum appears from it, then you need to urgently tell the doctor about this. In some cases, hospitalization will be required.

It is also worthwhile when discharge from the chest is watery and blood interspersed. Although in most cases this indicates the enhanced production of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for lactation, consulting a doctor (preferably a mammologist) to exclude diseases of the mammary glands, is necessary.

What should not be done when the discharge from the chest appears?

If you notice that during pregnancy from the breasts, colostrum began to flow, then in no case can not be:

press on the chest;

Schaerate the colostrum.

These “procedures” can contribute to a miscarriage or premature childbirth, since the stimulation of the breast provokes the release of oxytocin, which in turn causes a reduction in the uterus.

What to do when discharge from the chest during pregnancy?

With a strong leakage of colostrum, you can use special gaskets in the bra, which are often used by nursing mothers. You need to change them in a timely manner, since colostrum is an excellent environment for the development of bacteria.

Also, do not forget about thorough hygiene of the chest glands – wash them with warm water without using soap (dries the skin). By the way, during pregnancy, discharge from the mammary glands may not be at all.

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