Filtering of drinking water, especially in urban conditions, is becoming more and more popular. Various impurities contained in our water pipes (iron, chlorine, fine -fractional sedimentary impurities) make the consumers install filters for water purification.
In connection with the problem arising, a reasonable question arises – what to choose a water filter so that it is not too expensive, heeling the water and was durable? In order to consider this problem from all sides, we give the following data and facts:
1. It is estimated that for one person per month it takes about one hundred liters of drinking water. This is excluding household needs, but only for drinking and cooking. In the hot season, this figure, of course, increases.
2. To provide such an amount of purified water, it is necessary to install filters of the corresponding power, such as: filters like “jug”. Such a filter can provide a family of two people with clean water. The filter is quite compact and inexpensive, so it is perfect for using it in the apartment and in the country. The cartridges of such filters must be changed every two to three months, and they are designed to clean about 300 liters of water.
3. Filters that are mounted on tap taps. More precisely, they dress on the crane and can be removed at any time (for example, you need to get water into the washing machine, and for this it is not necessary to use cleaned water). The resource of such filters is slightly larger – about one and a half tons of water, so providing a family of three or four people is quite possible with them. Such a water treatment filter is inexpensive, the filter set is quickly and easily replaced.
4. Desktop filters. They are also very durable compared to the first option, they can be connected to the cranes, as in the second version, or a special switch. Given the resource and durability of such filters, their cost justifies itself.
5. Then the systems are more difficult – two – and three -stage filters. Multi -stage purification and high speed of the filtered water make such systems in demand. It is possible to connect such a filter directly under a sink with a separate output of already filtered water through an autonomous valve.
The cost of such a filter at first glance is quite high, but given the total cost of one filtered liter of water, it is lower than in previous versions. The quality of filtered water is invariably high, and in combination with a large work resource, this is undoubtedly a large positive moment.
6. Reverse osmosis filters – almost one hundred percent purification of water from all existing types of pollution. Such systems are used in the purification of bottled water, which indicates their high performance and the quality of the resulting product. A storage tank, almost universally used in such systems, will provide a supply of purified water for several days ahead. Almost all water purification systems are currently being used to remove chlorine, so the solution to the problem of how to choose a water filter remains only behind the buyer.
If the water in your water supply is rich in mineral salts (and this can be installed by looking at the internal walls of your kettle), then you should choose systems with elements to soften water. To store purified water in the refrigerator, try not to use plastic containers, it is better to store water in clay or glass dish.