
Complex analysis of construction development

The productive indicator of the production capacity of the enterprise M is equal to the product of the number of units of the Equipment N for the average progressive rate of productivity of the unit of equipment per unit of time l and the annual fund of the working time of the unit of equipment 7": M.= Hat. Applying elimination, we can sequentially consider the action of each of these three private indicators to change the actual power of the enterprise compared to its approved (registered) capacity.

Chain substitutions allow you to determine the influence of private indicators on the productive. This technique is especially effective when various factors have a different influence in the direction (some – positive, others – negative) . The same can be determined using the so -called difference method, which is based on the calculation of the differences between the actual and the initial (for example, planned) indicators.

The definition of absolute and especially relative indicators permeates analytical work at all its stages and stages. Absolute indicators include, for example, the production capacity of the enterprise of building structures or materials, the volume of construction and installation works, production of products, profit, etc. P.

Relative indicators are numbers expressing the ratio of two absolute indicators, for example: the share of the construction of large -panel residential buildings in the total volume of housing construction and t. P. Relative indicators are usually determined in the form of a percentage or in the fraction of a unit. They play an important role in analytical work, since the specifics of the phenomenon under consideration are most reflected in the greatest extent. The maximum number of relative indicators is determined from the expression P (P -1) 2, where P is the number of absolute indicators used. But this amount can be doubled if you calculate the reverse values ​​of each relative indicator already obtained. Thus, in addition to capital productivity, funds (reverse value) are used, except for production – labor intensity and t. D. Relative values ​​are also used in calculating the size of the influence of individual factors on a change in the effective indicator, for example, the difference in interest rates of reporting data to planned ones, which is multiplied by the main studied indicator according to the plan.

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