When he is sick, I always rush around, trying to do something, in my opinion, useful. I bring hot tea every 15 minutes, bustle the armpit armpit, try to pull on his feet socks and interest him how he feels. “Go away, finally! Don’t bother me to get sick. If you want to be near, sit calmly, ”he always says, turning around to putting on the socks and pushing his hand away with a thermometer,“ I like to be alone when I get sick ”. And turns to the wall. Well, what will you do!
For the time when I was sick once, I lay at home all day and complained about his troubles, he only arrived when I already said that I was waiting for him! “And I thought that you would also want to be alone when you are, like me,” he was quite sincerely surprised at my offended physiognomy.
Is it worth offending him?
And here I realized that all the problems of the relationship between men and women are based on the fact that each of us judges the other by ourselves. We are not trying to become in place of each other, and we do not understand that we are different. And the fact that a man seems unusable nonsense for a woman can be very important. And vice versa.
So. There are times when it is simply impossible to be offended by him. However, before being offended by a loved one, it is worthwhile to think that he is not at all on purpose. He is not deliberately. It’s just that by nature.
Reasons not to be offended
He forgot about the date
He did not notice changes in his appearance
The most that the most common reason for resentment against him.
He forgot about the date of your acquaintance? And did not even congratulate SMS in the morning? Moreover, he does not answer yours. The first thought – “he fell out of love” comes to mind, tears roll over his eyes, resentment approaches inexorably. And if in the evening he stubbornly looking at you, he hardly tried to answer the question: “Well, how do you? “(And you showed a new dress), then the day is completely spoiled.
Why should not be offended by him: by scientists it is proved that the brain of a man perceives the subject entirely. And the female analyzes it in parts. Observations of psychologists at children showed that even in the infancy of girls, new faces, people, speech are more fascinated. And the boys are more interesting to a toy suspended stroller. They do not see much difference. In addition, for a man, everything that is connected with his work, activities is more important for a man. And this does not mean at all that a man does not love you. It’s just that it is laid in them by nature. In his opinion, relations are female prerogative. Therefore, men may not remember such things as the day of the week, when he said – I love you. Or what was the weather when you kissed for the first time. And where it was at all.
But: Given the fact that the brain of a man perceives objects as a whole, for him the general picture of the situation is clearer. Therefore, if, for example, our car has broken, he will immediately determine what to do and where to go. While we can lament for a long time, get nervous and look for guilty.
In addition, men usually take information seriously if they present it in terms of practicality. You need a new dress? For what? There is nothing to go to a restaurant! If you really need it, then he will definitely buy.
He asks to be silent
He doesn’t like telephone conversations
All women sometimes have boots of talkativeness. It happens that you will come home after meeting with a friend, and I want to tell you so much, share. News pour in the river. You say, you say, you say, but he looks. … And suddenly. “You can at least a little silence? “. Well, isn’t it offended? What a relationship. Not only is he not interested, so he does not even try to pretend.
Or, for example, you call, call him, he does not pick up the phone. You start to worry, worry. Then you hear on the other end of the wire, the irritated “yes! “. And to the question “Why called? »You answer just” find out how you are doing? “. And for some reason he is nervous.
Why don’t you be offended by him: again, the blame of all the brains! During conversation, a woman involves more brain cells. Therefore, it is more hastily. In addition, doctors came to the conclusion that women enjoy the sounds of their own voice. Therefore, chatting, a woman also buzzes. And the man is tormented. After all, his brain cannot perceive information with such speed. He had not yet had time to evaluate the first story, and you are already telling him the second. Women and so, according to scientists, pronounce 10,000 more words per day. And if they also say quickly ..
The same thing with conversations by phone. After all, we distract him. Maybe right now he is making a decision to conquer the world. And here we are with our “I missed”.
BUT: Men listen better. And delve into the problem deeper. If you convey it correctly. Therefore, when we have troubles, the most grateful ears are the ears of your beloved. And he will listen and think and tell.
In addition, you can immediately understand, if he already spoke about something, then this is really important for him.
“I have already said a hundred times that I don’t like to talk about anything on the phone,” my lover said, telling me about the plot of the film for the second hour. Therefore, it is doubtful that men do not like to chat. They just hide it carefully.
He does not understand your experiences
You just watched the movie “Husky” and flood your tears on the couch. Or has already burst into tears 101 times watching the Titanic in the cinema? And he rolls his eyes and chuckles. What kind of insensitive creatures these men.
Not only does he not suffer with you, but also mocks your sincere experiences.
Why you should not be offended by him: in this case, hormones play a big role. Hormone prolactin is responsible for the work of the lacrimal glands in women. And in men it is blocked by testosterone, hormone, which makes them, in fact, men. Therefore, there is even a sin to be offended. Therefore, emotionality and tearfulness are purely female qualities. And for men, such concepts as “touching” and “cute” sound somehow not serious. Not like a man.
But: Despite the restraint and male stinginess of emotions, men do exactly the things that we call “sweet” and “touching” and which make us start an emotional tear.
“It was summer. We were on the river. Sunny hot day. Already gathered to swim. But on the shore, at a distance from the water saw a whole bunch of shells. And not just shells, but closed. Apparently, someone else lived in them. Some have not had time to warm up in the sun. Apparently, stupid children played and left them under the sun. He carried them all in the water, and I helped. Until a bunch of shells migrated into the river. So we saved river mallusks “.
He does not bring coffee to bed
He does not talk about love every day
In films and romantic books, lovers share their feelings every day. And then you have to ask yourself:
-“Do you love me? “.
– “I do not like to repeat the same thing a hundred times,” he says.
– “Well, you have never said today! ”
– “What do you need to say every day? ”
Why not be offended by him: all the same male hormone – testosterone prevents the excessive manifestation of feelings by a man. “I am an old soldier, I do not know the words of love” ..
We can endlessly talk about our feelings and sensations, because it is more tend to reflect us. All because of the same hormones, only this time female-estrogen and prolactin.
But: if a man talks about love, then this is actually so. And, knowing his emotional restraint, it is three times nice to hear once again “I love you”. And even better of any words confirm the love of business.
“Once I woke up in the morning and, as in advertising, felt the smell of coffee. It turns out that my man suddenly overtook a romantic mood. He bought a new coffee and decided to drink me in the morning. Say that I was surprised and touched – to say nothing “.
Well, in the end, I want to say a banal, but all the same – such a phrase suitable for this topic:
“We are so different, but still we are together!”
So, it is better not to be offended by each other, but to arrange a romantic evening to each other.