
Why didn’t love come out ..

Beloved sad, I considered it necessary to intervene. “What upset? ” – menacingly asked, hinting at the immediate execution of the offender. Svetik sniffed her nose and nodded to the screen. And there four extravagant Americans decided why the beloved of an active journalist led her not her, but the other ..

The ladies seriously dissected the psyche of the “fugitive”, the “appearance of the Moral” of his new chosen one and after the sea cocktails came to the conclusion: the curls of the journalist are to blame for everything. Say, her wave -like hair promised difficulties in family life, so he chose a smooth -haired young lady.

What women they don’t like? Male opinion from the first person

The main character, a stream of mane in the wind, walked along the area in the rapid. The main hero-tug was bite to bite his lip, convincingly depicting despair. A smooth -skinned rival tremendously glittered by an alleged hairstyle ..

I grunted. Svetik sobbed. I had to clarify:

– What are you, indeed, you believe that curls and curls could push a man in love?

Svetik nodded and dropped a pair of Pearls on her cheeks. No, it’s no good. And I said on behalf of all men:

– Lord, the men are not afraid to marry at least the “billiard ball”, even on the “mermaid”, if they really love! If at the last moment he cheerfully spent in the pampas, then the woman was not the same!

The beloved squinted incredulously:

– What does “not the same” mean?

– “Not the same”? – I stuck. – Okay, I’ll try to explain.

To be honest, I was confused and sweated. And the truth, how it is “not the same”? After all, “they do not argue about tastes” and “for each product their own merchant”. But then quickly, in sporting, he gathered and remembered for what reasons friends and associates left their ladies hearts. I warn you, this is the first thing that came to mind. That is, the cream of truth.

New man, superman!..

– It is unlikely that any of us will linger for a long time next to an overly demanding girl, ”I said timidly, remembering whether I washed a plate and where I“ parked ”socks.

– You hint at me? – the beloved one frowned.

– No, what are you! – I waved my hands.

… she was beautiful, thin and elegant. Murderously smart and reasonable. Brought up and delicate. In general, she would be impeccable if she had not demanded the same from others.

On the first date, a man was to appear with flowers, pay for a restaurant, talk about Kafka, demonstrate the willingness to join Greenpeace and adopt seven Cambodian babies, or at least transfer crews to save the pandas. After these torture, the cavalier must put her in a taxi, deliver to the place, farewell to smack on the cheek and rush off at the night on a white horse – so as not to leave the image.

In the bouquet-context period, it is strictly forbidden to tell vulgar jokes, love football and admit that you know obscene expression. If you managed to use them (which, remembering the pandas, is no wonder), it is better not to wait for the icy reproach in her gaze, immediately catch the white horse and take off into the night.

So, it was so impeccable that potential satellites themselves shot their candidacy with the wording: “Underwear”. As far as I know, she is still impeccable. And lonely.

“Hands off!”

Wow, the beloved thought and seems to agree. I’m on the right track, continue.

– And a terrible category – women with hypertrophied independence.

– Is it bad? – squealed Svetik.

– Terrible, – I stopped.

… I suspected something was amiss, barely a friend of Romanov appeared with her in the company during the feast.

– Do not put my salad, I can! – the terrible lady hissed, and Romanov froze with a spoon.

– No need, I’ll call myself! – Beat hands when he tried to call a taxi. I intervened:

– From the shock who offended you so much that you will not accept male care and help?

– No one offended, I just don’t want to depend on men! – the lady retorted, and I began to uneature the fate of the miserable Romanov.

An independent woman is a guarantee that a man often (if not always) will feel like a rudiment and atavism. That is, unnecessary. She will provide herself, treat herself from influenza, console. Will never give offense, will not cry. Inadvertently, you will hit such a thing, and she will only lead a shoulder: “Well, go, live without you”. In general, even in love with the ears, it will be an independent value. Pride and independence is, of course, good. But do not bring everything to the point of absurdity ..

I saw her. Purposefully caught a taxi, and there was a bewildered guy with a completely stupid look nearby. Thank God, not miserable novels ..

“The white light came down to you”

I was no longer stopped, Svetik did not try.

– And even more, if a woman, on the contrary, is too dependent.

To admit that I was a hero of history, even if I did not dare to meet a thousand years before meeting with the beloved.

… met, met, had dinner. She now and then asked to call the waiter, choose wine, deal with draft and too sociable neighboring table. At first I was flattered by the role of a breadwinner and defender. But the next morning she called, and it began ..

– Max, hello, you have no friends who could hang a cornice?.. You will not help choose the right vacuum cleaner?.. Oh, at home the kitchen hood broke, you could not?..

Being a defender is one thing. But in just a week after dating it becomes a builder, engineer, arcessor – this is too much. A man (that is, I) tries in vain to find an answer: how did she live without him? What unpleasant surprises his life will color when a helpless fairy is nearby?.. And her dog got sick, and the boots for the winter are “dead”, in general, not a girl, but a professional orphan.

… The phrase became the apotheosis: “If you throw me, I will stop believing men”. To bear responsibility for the whole male family “did not smile” to me, so I had to dissolve in the fog.

In general, dependent and helpless ladies are embodied by a nightmare.

From a place to the quarry

We men have nothing against marriage, I swear by the Jedi sword. But this decision should be born independently and mature in the male head. And all sorts of lifting and provocations like: “You will not let your last name be blamed? “Or” You will be the wedding costume! »All undertakings are nullified.

Most likely, the matrimonial sentence will not happen if on the second date of the young lady hesitates, what kind of mistress, psychologist, lover, clever, paw, and so on. Smiles gently and sends straight to hell: “And my mother liked you! According to the description, I told her. You will like it too, you will see “.

Will not like it. He will not see. Because there was nothing to put pressure and force.

Put pressure on pity, to appeal to conscience either. Miserable Romanov, who has a directly pathological traction to the wrong women, shared his experience. Without a special light, he looked after a divorced woman, went for a walk with her and her five -year -old son. And that evening he swallowed nervously, listening to hints in the telephone tube: “Igor wishes you good night. Wants him to dream. The boy needs a father … ”

“I-I, poor!”

The list of completely incomprehensible category of girls is crowned, which, apparently, act by the method from the reverse. That is, in every possible way emphasize unsuitability for family life.

There is a completely incomprehensible category of women: “I do not know how to cook and sew, but cool”.

Secondly, men are afraid of narcissistic and ready for everything for their goal. Although the same bitch in the role of a mistress are very impressed by them – after all, they know the price who loves themselves, beautiful, well -groomed, self -confident and understanding a lot about men of a woman. But, as a rule, they are heartless and simply use a man for their own needs. In addition, the bitch are characterized by increased pride and woe to the one who dares to offend them! Only very strong, smart and sensual men who can tame them and make themselves love to love next to the bitch.

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