
Vertical genera Prosess contraindications

Statistics of the birth rate with low indicators in the country indicate many problems related to childbirth, including great troubles due to pregnancy and sometimes painful painful childbirth. Technologies are developing rapidly, but not in the part of medicine that is associated with obstetric care. Women have given birth from time immemorial in natural ways, and only the last 300 years, thanks to the development of medical care, women give birth to lying down, not seeing how the child appears, not knowing, in the vast majority, how the birth takes place.

From the history

According to historical evidence, women always gave birth to squatting or on their knees and exactly where it was convenient for them. Special chairs for childbirth with a cut curly seat were adapted in Europe. Until now, it is precisely vertically that they give birth in Africa, in Asia and South America. Holding on to the pole, Liana, crouching, women could not think about another way of delivery. Another method was also unnatural how to lay a giving birth to a gynecological chair. Previously, childbirth was taken in baths in Russia, where the tribal muscles relaxed from heat, removing soreness of fights. The women in labor in the baths did not lie, but went and stepped over obstacles to exhaustion, thereby provoking uterine abbreviations.

Vertical births are natural, more physiological than horizontal and women, mainly, cope with the birth of their babies. What happened, why they began to give birth in an unnatural pose lying on the table? There are several versions. According to one of them, the capricious French king Louis XIV liked to watch how the kids were born and, in order to please him, women were put on their backs for more convenient viewing. According to another version, one day the male doctor decided to take on the role of the midwife and give birth, while putting a woman so that it is convenient for him to see the whole process, helping if necessary to lay the forceps and other manipulations. In any case, it is obvious that the current position of the woman in labor on the back is convenient exclusively for medical personnel, but not enough for the woman in labor itself.

Advantages of vertical birth

The vertical position of the corps during childbirth is shown, first of all, women with problems of the cardiovascular system. The weight of the placenta with the fetus and amniotic fluid is about 6 kg. During the horizontal position of a woman, squeezing large blood vessels, including the abdominal aorta, along which blood is on the fetus. And squeezing the lower hollow vein can lead to a fall in the mother’s blood pressure and its dangerous consequences. And if you take into account the fact that during each fight there is a spasm, during which the baby is left without oxygen and hypoxia occurs, then you can imagine how much the child suffers without being born. Most of the kids born in the horizontal position of the mother suffer from hypoxic neurological syndromes.

Another medical indication for childbirth is vertically pronounced myopia, t. e. myopia, since in a vertical position it is very natural to push down, and with horizontal, many have a strong load on the eyes.

The largest advantage of vertical birth is the natural force of gravity, thanks to which the baby is easier to pass through the generic path. Under the natural pressure of the head of the baby and the fetal bladder on the lower part of the uterus, the pharynx expands faster, reducing the period of active contractions by 2-3 hours. The uterus does not press on the spine and the woman does not experience painful back pain.

An important advantage of childbirth is vertically the possibility of the active participation of the woman in labor itself, since now the muscles of the press, legs, pelvic bottom and back are involved in the attempts, and this greatly facilitates the estate period for the woman, making it more productive and soft. With natural pressure on top, the muscles of the pelvis expand naturally, and the head smoothly leaves, without the need to cut the crotch. It is the episiotomy (dissection of the perineum) that has to be carried out in 25% of cases in horizontal childbirth, which is 5 times more than with vertical childbirth.

During childbirth, vertically less children’s injuries associated with the accumulation of bloody fluid, cuts, hypoxia, nervous disorders, which reduces the indicators on the Apgar scale in horizontal childbirth.

Children born in vertical childbirth have higher indicators (4 times higher) as ahead of the terms of psychomotor development, that is, the child’s adaptation speeds to the functions of the external environment.

Negative sides of vertical genera

• For most doctors, the method of vertical reminding is inconvenient in that it is more difficult to control the process of childbirth, the advance of the fetus along the birth canal. And many obstetrician doctors do not know how to conduct vertical births. • Epidural anesthesia is unacceptable in vertical childbirth, as it excludes the possibility of finding the woman in labor in an upright position after anesthesia and, as a result, immobilizes the entire lower half of the body – from the lower back to the fingertips. • In case of problems associated with the wrong building of the perineum or other complications, it is difficult to quickly provide the necessary assistance. • Repeated birth is usually swift and thereby fraught with injuries for the baby.

Contraindications to vertical childbirth

Any complications during vertical births are indications for the transition to the horizontal position of the case to enable the doctor to quickly provide assistance. Of the stipulated contraindications to vertical genera, the following are the following: • premature birth • Pedal position of the fetus • Physiological narrow structure of the pelvis in the woman in labor • A large child or large size of the child’s head • Indications for the use of forceps, dissection of the perineum • complicated pregnancy and any pathologies of internal internal organs

The process of vertical birth

Doctors divide the entire generic process into three periods – contractions, attempts, last. During the period of fights, while the uterine is open, it is perfect to walk or lie, but not to sit, because if the baby’s head is already lowered into the birth canal, he will be very bad. The period of attempts is best to sit on all fours or sitting on a chair, as it is convenient – this will significantly accelerate the process of the birth of the baby and make it softer and milder. In the third period, it is usually proposed to take a horizontal position to inspect the uterine pharynx – there are no ruptures and other possible concomitant complications.

The influence of vertical birth on the fetus

Due to the fact that vertical birth is more natural than horizontal, the child is born without any signs of hypoxia and nervous disorders. Such babies are long longer on breastfeeding and gained in weight faster than the rest. The introduction to the practice of delivery in an upright position will favorably affect both the mother’s health with the baby and the psychological state of the woman in labor, which reduces the possibility of developing postpartum depression after lighter birth. This will entail a higher birth rate in the country. For vertical genera does not need expensive equipment, but only the creation of comfortable conditions for women in labor and providing the simplest devices for such genera – chairs, fitballs, rugs.

Vertical birth: reviews

Women are used to the fact that the standard pose for childbirth is reclining, with a convenient review for copper staff and therefore vertical birth seem to be innovation in birth practice, although healthy logic tells the reverse picture, recognizing vertical births absolutely natural. And confirms this practice of modern childbirth. There are several real reviews of women who gave birth vertically.

“I gave birth in an upright position the head, then the rest of my son is already in a horizontal position. There is much less pain than on the bed. The second birth was just afraid, he could jump out quickly and injure. “.

“Only for vertical births! I have something to compare, it was the second birth. It is much easier, more convenient, especially when standing on your knees resting on a large ball with a fossa for a tummy, and a pillow under your head. My daughter was born with the first attempt! No breaks, the old seam was even a whole. It does not press the lower back, as with horizontal ones, the captive period also rode on the ball, everything is easier, really.”

“I just wanted to give birth. Stuck sitting and it is much easier! The latter also came out sitting and only then shifted horizontally to inspect everything. “.

“The most unpleasant in vertical birth was for me a lying CTG procedure. And so I walked along the corridor on the fights, pushed on a chair with a special seat cut out a crescent. The doctor sat opposite on a chair from which the whole process of childbirth is visible. The last one also went out in the chair. I was much more comfortable to give birth to vertically, it is easier to push!”.

“These were my first births, but with a slight complication, because with the full opening of the baby’s head did not fall into the basin. I was put on all fours on the rug, there was a doctor with me, who also sat on the rug, and the midwife lied at him at all, the picture from the side was interesting 🙂 The daughter’s head immediately fell and after a few attempts were born! I myself gave birth to my baby, thanks to the vertical position in childbirth!”.

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