
Using OSP plates in construction

OSB plates need to be stored in places protected from moisture. Before installing them in the premises, they are given a day for acclimatization. You also need to adhere to the installation rules, according to which humidity in the room where work is carried out should not exceed 15%. This will protect the material from the command of fungi or mold on it.

There are several types of slabs:

OSB-2 is suitable for internal use in dry rooms.

OSB-3 for internal work in rooms with moderate humidity and also for external work. They are used most often.

OSB-4 is suitable for supporting structures in places with high humidity and prone to various loads.

They are also distinguished by types of finishes. There are plates with straight edges, with bilaterally and four -sided mills.

To arrange floors, use slabs with straight edges, fixing them using the lag. Permissible gap 3 mm. If they are mounted between the walls or in the form of floating floors, then a gap of 12 mm between the walls and the slabs is left. Fasten them with nails. OSP plate is located perpendicular to the lag. The nails are driven after 30 cm, and in the places of connection after 15 cm. If you want the floor to be more rigid, the slabs to the lags can be glued with mounting glue.

The slabs can be installed on the walls in a horizontal or upright position, leaving a gap of 3mm between it. For their lining, it is recommended to use 12 mm slabs. Fixed with nails 51 and 45 mm long. In places of connection, the distance between them is left 15 cm, on the outer edges 10 and 30 on the intermediate subpoor. In roofing, it is important to check the rafter legs, the legs should be without curvature, otherwise it will affect the appearance of the roof. Their short edges should only be on supports. If during the work the stove was wet, they are given time to complete drying. Only after that you can lay tiles or other material, so you will avoid corrosion. In places of chimneys, the skin is pushed away from them.

If they are installed in non -heated places, for example, on a attic visit or under the floors, they should be well ventilated. To do this, leave ventilation holes.

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