Definitely, it should be borne in mind that the indicator of regulatory conditionally clean products exists in plan in parallel with the indicator of commercial construction products, which can also, or rather, should be used to calculate the production for 1 employee. The calculation of such an indicator and its analysis would allow, in conditions of orientation to the final results, to characterize the weight of the deposit of employees to the creation of finished construction products.
According to this indicator, it is possible to calculate the profitability of labor, correlating the profit from the delivery of commodity construction products with the number of employees engaged in its industries.
The role of such indicators, which have in their derivative meaning, is an increase in the validity of plans in detailed accounting of identified trends and patterns.
In this sense, it seems appropriate to use and indicator of regulatory conditional products not so much as directive, but as a planning-analytical for in-depth study and evaluate the real opportunities of construction and installation organizations.