Our mood is sometimes like spring weather, then good, then bad. Then we are angry, then weep, then we have fun, then we sing. A lot of factors affect the mood. Among such factors, the predominance of one of the types of temperaments. After all, all our emotions and habits largely depend on what personal qualities in us are initially laid down.
In this article we’ll talk about the effect of temperament on our mood
We will determine what type of temperament prevails in us.
Temperament and mood
To make it easier to navigate, we will look at the scheme:
Temperament determines the duration of psychological processes in our body. That is, it is he who is responsible for the variability of the mood.
According to four parameters – stability – instability, E Kravity (sociability) – introversion (isolation), can be disassembled by parts of the extreme combinations of these parameters. As we know from the course of psychology, there are four types of temperament. Here are the signs of each of them. Maybe you will immediately see yourself in them. Sanguine. Signs: activity and sociability, the predominance of a positive mood. Positive features: sanguine people are very sociable, they quickly adapt in a new environment and immediately finds friends. Sanguine – favorites in the company. Often sanguine can perform on stage, as they are not afraid of attention, they love him and seek. Their speech is loud, funny and often accompanied by active facial expressions. Why is the mood of the sanguine changes: despite the apparent positiveness, this type of temperament also often falls into despondency. And this is due to the fact that he is a person who is fond of. Sanguine cannot stand the routine and monotony. If he is not interested, he loses himself and he simply becomes bored. But, usually, the sanguine quickly finds new, as they do not like to sit still. Phlegmatic person. Signs: leisurely, balance, predominance of negative sentiments. Positive features: phlegmatic software – temperament – the exact opposite of the sanguine. No wonder speaking – phlegm. Not offense, of course. There are many advantages in this. Phlegmatics is very difficult to get crazy. He is calm and balanced. He is often always serious and unshakable. In addition, choleraiks are usually persistent and patience to the choleraiks not to occupy. They are reinforced, so they always bring things to the end. Why does phlegmatic mood change: but this very calmness and balance can sometimes go into excessive form and phlegmatic becomes indifferent. He just can fall into despondency and apathy. That is, people of this type are often subject to negative thoughts. Moreover, at the expense of your introversion, you can’t get a word from it. He loves to worry everything inside himself. Choleric. Signs: irritability, temper, mood variability. Positive features: choleric, like a sanguine, is active and active. He is taking care with enthusiasm, with interest. Women – choleriks are bright and temperamental. Choler can be very sociable and resourceful. You don’t get bored with this type of temperament. Why does the mood of the choleric change: the cholera is not balanced. Therefore, the change of his mood is sometimes difficult to keep track of. Such people are excessively nervous, hysterical and conflict. If in line you see a woman who shouts “I stood!” – this is most likely a choleric. They are doing all the case. And how they like to scandal. But, it is worth paying tribute, spying choleraiks. Melancholic. Signs: isolation, reflection, the depth of experiences, resentment, the predominance of depressive sentiments. Positive features: are able to worry deeply and empathize. Melancholys are very sensual. They are able to dissolve in a loved one, they are true and devoted. If the melancholic likes his occupation, he will leave for him with his head. Negative features: melancholy are touchy. Moreover, given their secrecy and failure, they can be offended for a long time and save offense in themselves. They take everything too close to their hearts. Melancholys are shy and adapt for a long time to a new environment. In general, there are no pure temperaments. Usually there is a predominance of some more, and others to a lesser degree. Therefore, if we notice such qualities as increased irritability, or temper, then the type of temperament is the “cholera”. If we do not really like to communicate, but we experience failures for a long time and deep, then we have more “melancholic” in us. If we cannot live a day without communication and we want to always be in the spotlight, then a “sanguine” lives in us. And, if our favorite phrase is “I don’t care!” – then this is a clear” phlegmatic “. What to do with all this good? And how to deal with mood variability? Read this article. But, it happens that not only the features of temperament, but also temporary factors, such as biorhythms, are affected by our mood.