
Self -repairs of the ceiling

Everyone knows that independent repair is not an easy procedure, requiring painstaking, great effort, enormous patience and endurance.

The most important stage in the finishing work of the ceiling is its alignment. Simple and qualitatively aligning the ceiling is carried out in a new building, where ceiling slabs are even and clean. If you have to deal with the ceiling, which has already been repaired, then the work is complicated by scraping, stressing and other cleaning methods, depending on the state of the ceiling coating. At the same time, the removal of all layers of the coating is mandatory until the clean and without gross flaws are obtained.

After stripping the surface, it is necessary to identify and correct the irregularities of the ceiling, as well as eliminate the differences between the ceiling slabs. With a large difference, 5 cm or more, you will have to use drywall, chipboard or other materials. If the ceiling is an even surface, then differences, less than 5 cm, can be leveled with the help of diluted in water, special mixtures.

Of the materials used to align the large irregularities of the ceiling, drywall is most often used. Drywall sheets have such important qualities as refractory, strength and environmental friendliness. Before their use, it is important to prepare and strengthen wooden or metal intersecting longitudinal and transverse guides, which are a base on which sheets of the material used will be attached. It is necessary that between neighboring fasteners the distance does not exceed 20 cm. Then you need to fix the drywall, and smear the joints with putty, then lay the reinforced mesh and plunge.

The longest process is to align the ceiling with building mixtures diluted with water. Aligning plaster should be used if the height drops do not exceed 1 cm. If the differences are more than 1 cm, then you will first have to primer the slabs, and then put the putty. But the primer will ensure a more reliable fixing of the putty. The putty layer should not exceed 2 cm. If the ceiling has too much bumps, then, a special comb on the first layer should be applied to combs, which, after drying during the day, will need to be primed and only then apply the next layer. Next, the final layer of putty is applied, which will be the final stage of alignment of the ceiling. Using sandpaper or skin, you need to eliminate irregularities. You can finally putty the ceiling after applying the final layer of putty. For an even layer of plaster, it is necessary to rubbed with a wide spatula, 10-15 minutes after its application. It is possible to proceed to further decoration after the plaster drying out. If you want to visually increase the space of the room, use mirror ceilings.

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