Recently, the ceiling tile has become an incredibly popular material for the ceiling. It can be made from raw materials of a different type. But still, for the most part, the owners today turn to a tile of polyvinyl chloride. The reason for this is that it is the most universal. With the help of it, it is possible to finish the ceiling in any room, even if it is characterized by increased humidity. PVC ceiling tiles are characterized by a large number of positive properties. One of them can be called that this material is extremely diverse on decorative options. Accordingly, it is possible to find the type of tile that is most consistent with the features of the room, the design of its interior. Another plus is the small weight of this material. Due to this characteristic, it is extremely easy to handle. In a short period, you can glue the PVC tiles on the ceiling using the most ordinary PVA glue. And in order to get a qualitative result in this case, you don’t even have to ask for help from someone, because all the work will be done independently. PVC tile sticking procedure begins with the preparation of the ceiling surface. It should be cleaned of previously used materials and remove the height changes. But to achieve the perfect smoothness of the base of the ceiling is completely optional, because the tile is quite capable of a little disguise uneven. Glue this material is best from the center of surface area. First, it should be found. You can do this with the help of cords stretched through the diagonals of the ceiling. Where they cross, you will need to place the first four tiles. Also, this point is a guideline for placing a chandelier. You can glue PVC tiles on the ceiling in rows, but it is much more convenient to “expand” the finish from the center, conducting gluing in small areas. The technology of attaching elements is also very simple to perform. PVA glue is applied to the tile with a “snake”, after which the element is simply pressed to the surface. Some difficulty may occur when you have to lay tiles near the walls. The fact is that in these areas it has to be cut. This will work with a regular knife. Therefore, if desired, it will still be possible to achieve the most aesthetic finish without serious labor costs.