Many of us dream of building our own home, but not ordinary, but our original design.
To have a house that would be built in accordance with our needs, many dream of, but it is not as simple as it might seem at first glance…
The government takes steps to make a purchase at home easier for an average person.
They simplify the procedure for buying land, reduce planning restrictions and stimulate banks for issuing loans for the purchase of real estate.
But the organization of the construction of the house is not for the faint of heart.
The main advantages of independent construction of the house
• Your independent house will be much cheaper than buying a new house.
• You can create your own home in accordance with your own needs. Perhaps you prefer a lot of bedrooms or an open living room – you can choose at your discretion.
• You can take measures to increase energy efficiency. These things are easier to do at the planning stage than to try to modify them.
• Depending on the presence of sites, you can live anywhere.
• After completing the construction of a wooden house with your own hands, you will remain with a huge sense of satisfaction.
Knowing that you chose all the materials, attached a hand to the design and assured, and that it is built as you yourself wanted to positively affect your attitude to the house.
Independent construction of the house: what are the minuses?
• Search for a site is hard work.
• You will need to work with the architect, the project manager and the builder team. This requires tact and diplomacy, as well as a lot of time to cope with a huge number of problems.
If you don’t have time, you shouldn’t start.
• Getting a mortgage loan is difficult. Many banks are careful about the issuance of mortgage loans for independent construction of a house.
• with cash costs, there may be problems. Your creditor cannot give you all the money with an advance, he can supply it in several stages. Your builders should work with you on this condition.
• You will need to pay for two houses, at the same time. You will need to either rent real estate while you are building or living at the construction site… Any of these options will lead to costs, and this can also happen for a long period of time.
Despite these shortcomings, to build a house yourself, it is worth. Just knowing that you yourself built your own house, makes these cons of the Western