The use of pallets has significant advantages when using indoors and on any open areas. Thanks to the pallets, loading and unloading work is significantly accelerated and simplified, the pallets are easy to fix inside the containers, they simply rise by any liftingman. The use of pallets is widely used especially in trade.
A round forest of small diameter, any low -grade wood (hump and side board) are usually unprofitable for obtaining high -quality lumber used for construction, but they serve as good raw materials for the production of pallets that are used to pack goods and their transportation. But the pallets are also an independent type of product that you can familiarize yourself with Stroy60..
For the manufacturing process, the pallets requires a regular log, which is previously cut down in length in size of planking blanks. This method of manufacture is used if a curved circle was used. Since there are no requirements for the location of the annual layers in wooden pallets, t. e. Even in the workpieces, cutting thin -dimensional logs is carried out mainly for them. There are no special increased requirements for the humidity of the used wood, speaking about pallets and drying of workpieces for them. At the last stage of production, the obtained workpieces that have significant defects are rejected, and masters for mechanical processing and labeling are already engaged in ready -made knocked down pallets.