
Pain for menstruation causes and treatment

Pain for menstruation is a pathology, which in medicine is called algomenor or dysmenorrhea. Usually pain appears a couple of days before the start of menstruation and can continue until their end. It can have both a matchmaker and a aching character, to give to the lower back and the sacrum.

Why does the stomach hurt during menstruation?

There is a completely adequate answer to the question posed. The fact is that when the menstruation is coming, the uterus has to be very rhythmically contracting to remove everything that has served from its cavity. Each woman has its own pain receptors, so pain during menstruation can be different. Someone does not feel them at all, someone, on the contrary, is in such a state that bed rest is needed. Also, the shape of the uterus may also affect the quality of pain. For example, if it is slightly rejected back, then a woman’s pain receptors will definitely make themselves felt.

The sensitivity of the female body and the activity of the uterus also depends on the hormonal background. If the amount of estrogen is increased, then the period will be painful. As a rule, this condition happens in women after 30 years. Когда нарушена норма всех гормонов, то может  наблюдаться и альгоменорея и ПМС одновременно.

The pain in menstruation is directly related to the violation of the hormone of the progesterone and prostaglandin hormone. Prostaglandins are a kind of chemical substance that plays a dominant role in the occurrence of symptoms that cause discomfort during menstruation. It is they who stimulate the reduction of the uterus during menstruation, respectively, the greater the strength of the abbreviations, the greater the strength of the pain. If there are too many prostaglandins, then a woman can observe the appearance of nausea, vomiting, headache, chills and tachycardia.

Seizures of pain in menstruation

First. It is the most common. Such menstrual pains are moderate and practically do not prevent the woman from leading a familiar lifestyle for her. Their appearance can be in adolescence, and after the birth of a child they can pass without a trace.

The second.   This degree of severity of pain is accompanied by the appearance of headaches, nausea and dizziness. A woman has a violation of an emotional and mental state, and performance is reduced.

The third degree of dysmenorrhea is characterized by the occurrence of severe pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region. Weakness, headache, temperature, vomiting, tachycardia appear, fainting can be observed. In this case, you need to consult a doctor who will select the necessary drugs to facilitate the condition.   Moreover, it is worth noting that painkillers will not help here.


If pain appears during menstruation, a woman needs to pay close attention to her lifestyle:

Do not forget the proper diet. Oddly enough, it directly affects the nature of pain. For example, during the start of menstruation, you should refuse to eat meat and dairy products, animal fats. You need to drink fresh vegetable and fruit juices, vitamin complexes.

Sports training also have a beneficial effect on the subsidence of pain syndromes – they relieve tension very well. To do this, it is not necessary to go to the gym and study there for several hours a day. You can just arrange a home “rest” for yourself, doing, 20-30 minutes daily.

The causes and consequences of pain periods will help identify the diary of menstruation. To do this, it is enough to simply write down all your feelings, diets and any other important factors occurring during menstruation.   Then they just need to be analyzed and noted for yourself when the periods began, what pains they were accompanied and how intense they were.

How to get rid of pain during menstruation?

Try to relax as much as possible – the greater the tension in the muscles, the more pain there will be.

Relax more often from household chores.

Attach heat to the sore spot. It can be a simple heating pad and a plastic bottle filled with warm water. If possible, then take a warm bathroom.

What drugs can be taken with such pains?

Painful menstruation most often occurs due to the low level of the hormone progesterone. Therefore, to get rid of this pathology, it is necessary to take this particular hormone.   The most popular drug that is capable of restoring its deficiency is considered duphaston.  By the way, it very often prescribes it during pregnancy, when there is a risk of interruption.  The drug is prescribed and the dosage is selected only by a doctor, each patient individually.

Remember that pain in the lower abdomen with menstruation is a kind of signal warning a woman about possible problems, some of which require treatment.

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