
Mold in the apartment Danger to the cause of the appearance

Creating comfort in the house is facilitated by many factors. It is clear to everyone that its location, the quality of water and air, as well as the remoteness of industrial enterprises affect the value of the house. All these are objective factors. If we talk about internal arrangement, then it is important here that beauty and comfort are present everywhere.

However, if the repair allows you to get such a housing that you dreamed about, then you can subsequently encounter different difficulties. Say, the walls can be covered with wet spots, the ceiling begins to crumble, the skirting boards squinted, and the wallpaper is lagging behind the wall. Often all these problems are observed due to the appearance of mold. What leads to her formation? This is what we will try to find out.

Most often, in a living room is found among other troubles and mold. Subject to insufficient ventilation of the room, you can observe the swelling of the paint and cringed the plaster in the corners, behind the furniture, as well as next to the heating devices. Before plastering the place where the mold appeared, you need to wipe it with a special napkin. Such technical napkins wholesale, you can buy in a construction store. Wallpaper allow you to observe traces of black and white mold. At first, it seems to us that this is insignificant, and we just remove the fungal damage. However, time passes, and we are faced with mold again.

In fact, mold not only makes unattractive premises where it was discovered. In addition to this, it poses a threat to human health. For a long time, scientists managed to find out that mold spores can cause allergic reactions in a person, as well as chronic diseases of the respiratory organs and even oncology.

Starting the fight against mold, it is necessary to first eliminate the cause of its appearance. Just in connection with this, it is recommended to first seek advice on specialists. They will be able to inform you that for mold appeared in your house, and also give a lot of useful tips on how to cope with it most effective.

However, if you managed to save your house from mold, you should not calm down. Along with this, you need to make efforts and eliminate the cause, which led to its appearance in your apartment. For example, this may be due to the non -working ventilation system of the bathroom or closed ducts of the ducts. In addition, mold formation can be observed when during the construction of the building there were a violation of the SNiP law. In addition to this, mold may appear due to the leakage of the roof and the leakage of various joints in the building. The elimination of such defects is one of the duties of dezs or housing.

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