
Intimate hair removal at home

What is really intimate hair removal? Type of “hairdresser” or just a certain highlight of your body to increase its sexuality? To whom it occurred to offer such a relevant service today?

Unfortunately, information about a person who invented intimate hair removal has not been preserved by our time. Moreover, even the approximate date and place of his residence are unknown to us. We can only say that he lived for a long time. After all, facts are known when, even in ancient Egypt, people resorted to this type of art. And all to satisfy aesthetic thinking. After all, the skin was considered perfect only when it was clean and smooth.

As for ancient Greece, the presence of hair on the body (of course, except for the hair of the head) was generally condemned and considered as a sign of the lack of culture. And for the women of India, even the most inconspicuous hairs could become a whole tragedy, which is why they were subject to immediate elimination. Of particular note is the attitude to excess vegetation on the body of a woman in Arab emirates. It was there that the concubine was considered beautiful, only when her body did not have a single hair.

The concept of intimate hair removal

It should be noted that most women still do not distinguish between concepts such as hair removal and depilation. So, hair removal – hair removal along with a hair bulb, and depilation – elimination of only a visible part of the hair. Accordingly, it is obvious that hair removal is a longer process that requires a thorough approach even to small things.

Types of epilation of genitals

Several types of epilation of the intimate zone are distinguished, namely:

Brazilian (“Sphinx”) – suggesting the fullness of the Foreign Association of the High Swannoblastigenalia;

French (“Iroquois”) – the most popular, meaning only a thin strip of hair in the middle of the pubic part;

“Brazilian triangle” – meaning removal of all hair of the inguinal region, except for a small triangle of the hair at the bottom of the pubis;

“Freestyle” – representing the complete improvisation of the relief (in this case, it is welcome to the grounds, drawings, signs in accordance with your wishes).

Of course, if you have at least once faced with the procedure for hair removal of the skin of the legs, you understand that hair removal is far from the most painless procedure. One can only imagine how important the correct choice of the method of hair removal for easily delast and delicate skin in the genital area is important.

How to make intimate hair removal?

You can get rid of excess vegetation on the body with the help of:

electrical epilator;

waxation (vaxing);

enzyme hair removal;

photo and laser hair removal;


You can use some of the listed methods both in the cabin and at home. At the same time, intimate hair removal allows you to have your time and create the most comfortable conditions for this not always comfortable procedure. However, methods such as enzyme hair removal, as well as photo and laser hair removal should be used strictly under the control of specialists.

Enzymal hair removal is performed using special -purpose substances (thripsin, chemopripsin or papain). The process of hair removal is accompanied by infrared radiation and is irreversible (hair follicle dies). The procedure should be repeated and carried out no more than once a month.

Photo and laser hair removal, in turn, are performed under the influence of a powerful stream of light. Photoepilation is concentrated in a larger part of the body compared to laser. With the help of the latter, you can simply perform jewelry masterpieces, which cannot but affect the need to “rehabilitate” the skin for some time. It is advisable to refrain from long -term water procedures within two weeks.

Intimate hair removal at home

Intimate hair removal – a purely delicate question. Not every woman is ready for this procedure in a salon. Indeed, hair removal of the intimate area of ​​the house is the most convenient procedure in terms of comfort.

Everyone knows that beauty requires victims. The skin in this area is very sensitive, manipulations to remove unwanted hairs can be quite painful. Therefore, the question of how to make intimate hair removal without pain is very relevant. We will answer it – it is important to choose a method of hair removal, which is suitable for you.

Home hair removal of intimate places is also possible with:

electric epilator;




The costs of acquiring an electric epilator with more than cover the costs of hair removal of an intimate zone in the conditions of the passenger compartment. Today, manufacturers offer a variety of epilators. The presence of the device allows the procedure in a convenient place at any time.

The main advantage of using an electric epilator is the duration of the effect. This is explained by the fact that it eliminates not only the visible part of the hair, but pulls out the hair with the bulb.

The hair removal is associated with stress, which is subjected to delicate skin of the intimate area.   The degree of pain of the procedure can be reduced by resorting to various methods of pain relief (for example, such as an anesthetic spray of lidocaine or any remedy after epilation that can relieve irritation and calm the skin).

We must not forget about possible contraindications of using an electric epilator (skin diseases, the presence of an electroco -plate, etc.).


Intimate hair removal at home with wax is one of the most popular ways to get rid of excess hair. When choosing this method, the main role is played by the preparation of the skin for a procedure that will help to avoid skin irritation, as well as the possibility of hair growth. You can prepare the skin with a scrub, which will remove dead skin cells from the required zone.

Intimate hair removal at home when using wax should exclude the risk of possible allergies or burn. Firstly, it is recommended to test the wax on a small area of ​​the skin; secondly, make sure that the wax did not become too liquid or too hot.

By the way, today it is not difficult to warm up wax – manufacturers offer devices that allow this operation to perform this operation to the required temperature.

Warm wax is applied to the skin of the body with a thin layer using a special spatula. A strip is superimposed on top of it. It is advisable to press it to the skin for a while and abruptly pull off in the direction of the opposite hair growth. In order to prevent hair growths a few days after hair removal, it is necessary to do peeling.


Home hair removal of intimate places using shugaring involves removing unwanted vegetation using sugar. Shugaring in comparison with other methods of hair removal is a fairly affordable way. Self -cooking pasta does not take much time. It is enough to take sugar (1 kg), lemon juice (7 st. l), water (8 t. l), mix the ingredients, cook the resulting mixture until the sugar is completely dissolved. You can start the procedure as the mixture has cooled to an acceptable temperature.

Apply a mixture in the direction of hair growth. The mixture penetrates deep into the skin, hair removal with its help is quite effective. The result is maintained for a long time, and without the use of chemistry or preservatives. The procedure can be contraindicated in the case of allergies, the presence of skin damage, burns, diabetes.

It is obvious that the existing methods of epilation of the intimate zone are enough. Choose how to make intimate hair removal is an individual matter. It is important that the result is pleasing for a long time.

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