
How to learn how to play Russian billiards?

Billiards attracts me personally much more, say, bowling. Why is it worth learning to play billiards?

Well, firstly, this is an intellectual game. It requires logic, analysis, strategies. That is, develops thinking.

Secondly, it is not hasty. There is no need to rush here. Billiards even mean some relaxation, a cup of hot tea at hand, observing the actions of the opponent.

And finally, thirdly, she is sexy! Girl in billiards looks like attractive! The movements are smooth, languid, inclinations, muffled light. Game of billiards with a loved one can have a very intimate background.

But seductiveness seduction. But it’s good if it is also supported by the ability to play billiards! Then our “opponent” has no chance.

Today we are studying the basics of Russian billiards

We know that there is Russian billiards and American. They differ not only in the rules, but also in the size of the balls and pins. However, the principles of the blow and they are the same. After all, the balls are round everywhere. I feel, for example, Russian billiards like Russian. He has white and large balls)).

The history of Russian billiards

No one knows for sure when and where did this game come to us. They only know that Peter I brought her to us, along with other innovations from Europe. And thanks to him for that. Billiards immediately took root in the Russian court. Then Catherine II played with pleasure in him, and with her all her close associates. Over time, billiards became the fun of not only high gentlemen, but also ordinary people. Billiard tables appeared in taverns. Then, the production of tables and production of tables. So, the first tables were called “Freiberg”, by the name of their developer. They were made of shale.

However, the severity of the billiard table remained the problem. And for a long time they searched for a replacement for the material.

Currently, plates for billiard tables continue to be made from shale and granite. But, as an alternative, they use the wood – chipboard chipboard and MDF. They are much easier, but in terms of properties they do not violate the techniques of the game.

Terms in billiards

The billiards in itself the game is beautiful, so his terms are very sonorous.

Well, for a start, I must say that our ball is a ball that we beat Kiy at the moment, that is, in Russian billiards – a burgundy ball. And the aimed ball is a ball that we want to score in a pod.

Pyramid is the initial arrangement of balls in the form of an equilateral triangle. And the triangle is a billiard affiliation used to arrange balls in a pyramid.

If the ball is far away and it is difficult to get it, we use special affiliation – the machine.

Now about the names of the blows in Russian billiards:

Apricol is a blow in which the ball, reflected from the side, falls into the aimed ball.

Hollow – a blow in which the aimed ball falls into the pink, reflected from the side.

That is, in the first case, two balls are involved, and in the second one – one.

Carambol – a blow in which his ball, bouncing off one aiming ball, hit another.

Kicks is an unsuccessful blow at which kiy slides on the surface of the cue ball (his own).

Clappshtos – a blow in which his ball after collision with aimed ball remains in place.

Wifting – a blow below the center, as a result of which his ball after collision with a target ball rolls back.

Screw – a blow in which the ball, along with the progressive, also receives rotational movement.

Jumping – a blow in which its ball jumps through a aimed ball.

Fuchs – an unexpected ball.

Counter-tush-a reverse blow of the aiming ball, reflected from the side or other balls, on the cue ball.

Revolutionary (croak) – a type of hollow, when a aimed ball, reflected from the side, crosses the line of movement of his ball.

A jumped ball – a ball that stopped after a blow outside the game surface of the table (and this happens).

The way out is an effective blow, after which the cue ball becomes in front of another aiming ball so that it can easily be played (this is most offensive, it seems like a convenient layout set up a convenient layout)

Well, the theoretical foundations of the billiards have considered a little, now let’s get down to practice.

Fundamentals and secrets of Russian billiards

As for how to keep Kiy while playing Russian billiards, there is no definite opinion. Everyone holds as it is convenient for him. Someone holds Kiy with a finger, someone puts it between the knuckles of the palm. The only nuance concerns how to hold the elbow of the hands with which we are moving cue.

And the elbow must move at right angles. That is, the shoulder should be motionless. Only a hand below the elbow can move. Otherwise, cue will walk in different directions.

So, in general, in billiards, there are two types of blows along the aiming ball: straight and cut.

A straight line is a blow when both your and aimed ball are on the same line, and the cut -off is already complicated by the fact that both balls are shifted relative to the axis. In this case, you need to remember the side strikes.

Personally, it was quite easy for me to study the main strokes in billiards on such a drawing.

It is not difficult to remember it. It is enough to imagine a clock. Only their numbers are not 12, but only 9. And one in the middle.

Depending on which of these points we hit Kiy, the ball receives inertia and moves.

Moreover, moves in the opposite direction from the place of contact with Kiy.

So, we fix the elbow, imagine a watch with 9 digits and start.

From simple to complex.

Klapshtos – hit at point 1 (center). When we hit Kiy in the center of the ball, he moves straight, concerns his fellow’s path and stops, giving him a direction. This blow is the simplest and most understandable.

Roll – hit at point 2 (top). With such a blow, the ball after contact with the aiming ball still some other time moves forward. This blow is very useful if both balls stand next to the pod. Then there is a chance that his ball will roll behind a target in the puddle and his ball.

Fleet – hit at point 6 (bottom). When we hit Kiy at the lower point of the ball, he first moves forward, and, touching the target, goes back. To portray such a blow is not easy. And it is needed in the case when it is necessary that his ball takes a certain position after the blow.

So, we examined direct blows in (Billard basis). But, if the balls stand on any line, French blows come into business.

Right Side – a blow to point 4 (right). When Kiy touches the right side of the ball, the ball receives movement to the left. That is, as was said by me above, in the opposite direction from the blow of Kiy. We kind of pushing it sideways. To imagine the specifics of French blows, you can look at the drawing.

Here you need to remember that during French strokes we present markings on both balls. So, in the figure, we need to send a ball to the louse, which is to the left of our. To do this, we push our ball in the right side, it goes to the left. On the trajectory of movement, we must calculate so that our ball touches the left side of the right side of the aiming ball.

He will push him away and leave to the right. And the aiming will go to the left lush.

Left Side – a blow to point 8 (left). Similar to the right. In this case, we hit the ball on the left side and he leaves right, circling clockwise. That is, if the pocket to the right of the aiming ball, we need to hit it on the left side. We seem to cut a aiming ball into a luster with our ball. Therefore, the blow and the name of the cut.

Realizing the features of French blows in billiards, you can study more complex shots – combined, that is, combinations of all of the above main strokes.

Blow to point 3, or upper right sidewall. Combined blows are similar to French. But here the ball goes not only sideways, but also forward. They are similar to the previous ones, but if in those cases we sent a targeted ball to the lush, now we will send our. In such blows, sides are often involved. This blow is shown in the figure.

Blow to point 9, or the upper left sideboard gives a combination of rolling and the left sidewoman. That is, our ball moves forward and right, and hitting the left side of the sight, goes to the left. The sighting, having received a “kick” in the left side, goes to the right.

Otopolka to the left – a blow to point 7 – the lower left sidewall. In this case, we want to score our ball into the luster. To do this, we mark the auxiliary ball and beat it in the left lower corner. So that our ball was pushed away from the aimed and went back and left. The blow is shown in the figure, clearly this is more clear. At the same time, both balls push off in different directions.

The delay to the right is the lower right sidewall – a blow to point 5. Similarly to the previous blow. If we need to score our ball into a luster, which is on the right, and opposite the luster there is another ball, we need to mark this ball in the right lower side. Then our ball receives movement to the right and back, and the aiming is pushed to the left.

In theory, it does not sound easy. You cannot remember and learn the basics of billiards. You need to understand the trajectory of the movement of the balls. And, of course, practice – play billiards.

That is, you need to try to strike at each of the points of the ball and observe where it moves. The most important thing is to make blows accurately and confidently.

Another interesting blow in Russian billiards, I can not bypass it – this is a hollow when the ball falls into the loss, hitting the opposite side. As in the figure. In this case, we see two balls. But in this way you can send your ball to the lush and your ball. Direct him to the opposite side with a blow, having stumbled upon which, he will go back straight to the pod at an angle.

However, here it is worth carefully calculating the angle that will allow him to do this. It will turn out experiencedly. I don’t always succeed yet.

So, by summing up all the above, you can identify several main rules that should be remembered for the game to succeed:

– During the game of Russian billiards, the hand holding Kiy should be bent at the elbow at a right angle and should only move below the log, setting the direction of CII;

– The impact force in Russian billiards depends on many factors (the distance between the balls, the position of the balls), but, in any case, the blow of Kiim should be confident and clear. Then the trajectory of the movement of the ball will go exactly according to the scheme you conceived. Also, usually the strapping is carried out shortly and strongly, and the rolls are lightly and smooth, both side and straight.

– It is better to set the place of the blow to Kiy, try to try on, because the blow should come to one of the points, depending on where you want to send your ball.

– It must be remembered that the ball is directed towards the opposite place of the blow. If you hit Kiy on the right side, the ball will go to the left, and, already pushed away from another ball, or the side – to the right. Here is such a trajectory.

Of course, ideally, for playing billiards, it would be worth knowing the physics. However, I, unfortunately, cannot boast of excellent knowledge. Therefore, I am content with at least logic.

Good luck and worthy rivals (preferably male).

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