The buildings

How to get rid of mold on the walls

Spots of mold on the walls and ceiling, as a rule, can be found in old houses, built of slag blocks or bricks. But also mold spots are also found in ordinary panel houses, there can be several reasons for everything. In general, mold spots arise where there is increased humidity, or freezing.

Before starting the fight against mold on the walls or ceiling, it is necessary to exclude all the possible reasons for its appearance. For example, monitor the temperature in the room, the air must circulate, t. e. Ventilation should work. Especially if you have plastic windows installed, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the rooms or install special windows with an air exchange valve. In such premises, the installation of climate control systems is especially recommended.

Mold on the ceiling and walls may appear as a result of freezing. The wall or ceiling can freeze due to poor sealing joints or insulation. To get rid of mold in this case, it is necessary to insulate the joints. For this, you need to turn to your HOA with a request to close up the joints. But as a rule, the promised three years are waiting. Therefore, you can close the joints yourself. A friend in mold had corners. They removed mold, but it appeared again.

To solve this problem, it was necessary to clear the joint of the plaster, and when it was removed, there was a void there. The builders simply did not fill the solution there and did not put the insulation. I had to close the joint with a foam with a foam and melted in a new. As a result, mold problems were resolved.

You can remove mold from the wall yourself using a metal brush. If the mold penetrated into plaster, it also needs to be removed. After the mold is removed, the place where it was necessary to carefully treat with an antiseptic, and if you want the fight against the advent of bacteria to last a few more months, then fungicides.

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