
Eh my apple is young ..

From ancient times, to this day, delicious, juicy, fragrant fruits of apple trees are unchanged. They were mentioned in fairy tales and myths. Based on apples, cooks prepare a lot of dishes and drinks, and specialists can talk about the benefits of these fruits for a very long time.

Not surprising, because they are saturated with proteins and carbohydrates, organic acids and biologically significant elements. Food fibers and a lot of all kinds of vitamins – all this is in apples.

Thanks to the properties, they are recommended for metabolic disorders and gastrointestinal diseases. Eating apples will help reduce cholesterol, clean and strengthen arteries. This is far from a complete list of the use of apples for medical purposes.

And for their low energy value, only 47 kilocalories per 100 grams of product, apples attracted the attention of nutritionists. They began to be recommended for fasting days.

Experts say: one day a week spent only on apples helps to change the better type of skin, soften and streamline the exposure of the intestines, burn a certain amount of fat cells.

There are many ways of unloading days on apples. Consider some of them.

Apple unloading day (classic)

The essence of the method is as follows: throughout the day there is nothing but apples. Moreover, not only raw, but also baked in the oven or microwave stove go to food. During the day, you should use up to 2 (but not less than one and a half) kilograms of apples. In order to avoid hunger attacks, they often eat, washed down with non -carbonated water or unsweetened tea.   For this purpose, any non -sweet varieties are suitable.

Apple unloading day (with kefir)

Judging by the name, it is clear that instead of tea (you can’t give up water) kefir is used. The main thing is that it is low -fat. Its norm is 1 liter per day. The norm of apples remains the same – 2 kilograms. As in the classical version, you need to often and little. Unlike classics, this method gives more freedom of choice. Products can be alternated and combined by preparing a cocktail from them. This method is recommended even to the toxicosis to pregnant women.

Apple unloading day (with honey)

This method of unloading provides for a decrease in apples consumption to 1 kilogram, by introducing a small amount into the diet (one teaspoon in the morning, lunch and evening) of natural honey. The amount of water used also increases to two liters. Due to recommendations, use only sour apples of apples, this method is not suitable for everyone. But more on that later.

Farting day on apple juice

They say that in this way (it is considered therapeutic), you can clean the gall bladder and liver. In the morning, immediately after lifting, they drink 250 grams of apple juice on an empty stomach. After two hours, drink juice again, bringing its amount to 500 grams. A one -time norm in all subsequent tricks will be 250 grams.   The interval between the reception is 2 hours. The last glass of juice should be drunk up to 20. 00. In breaks you can eat raw and baked apples, other plant products, thermally not processed.

The last three tricks (from 16. 00 to 20. 00) After each portion, you must drink one teaspoon of vegetable oil. After 20. 00, to stimulate the discharge of bile, is recommended to lie down in warm water.

Cottage cheese-unloading day

You don’t have to starve on this day, since 750 g of apples and 150 g of cottage cheese must be divided into 6 meals. The first three portions of apples are in the morning. Three portions of cottage cheese of 50 g – in the second half, having finished eating no later than 2 hours before bedtime. If you want, you can alternate apples and cottage cheese.


There are a number of diseases (gastritis, colitis, urolithiasis, etc. D.) in which the use of fresh apples in large quantities is contraindicated. Where it is permissible, they can be replaced with baked. But it is better to consult a doctor first.

The benefits are obvious!

In addition to all the advantages of these days, women rejuvenate the skin, apples are tonic and cleanse it.

Railing days on apples help to lose 200 g of fat per day. This allows you to enter the form as soon as possible after holidays, when there is an abundance of delicious, but harmful food. It is good to use these diets before going to the beach in a beautiful swimsuit in order to show all the advantages of a weighty figure.

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