
Do you need dexterity to stick wallpaper?

The frequent question that the repairs that have fallen into the situation are asked: “Can I do it myself”. “This” most often is the application of wallpaper on the walls or whitewashing the ceiling, less often laying tiles or laminate. Subject to experience in finishing work and acquaintance with the nuances, which can be dictated by the chemical elements of the composition of the material or glue, such a task, of course, is possible for you. But let’s say honestly, among us such masters are. More often people tend to overestimate themselves and their capabilities, the results of which are spoiled material, mood, time spent, money and nerve cells. In order not to spend money on repairs twice, the wise solution will use the services of the relevant firms, especially since the prices for gluing wallpaper in Moscow are very democratic.

Before application, the walls must be brought into the divine view: remove the previous coatings (newspapers, wallpaper, whitewashing), put it and align, if necessary, install a design made of drywall, roll and primed. You always need to prepare the surface, then that it is the quality of preliminary preparation that guarantees how well the coating will lie and how long it will last. Most of the visual flaws appearing on canvases, such as a web or crease, are a consequence of a violation of the technique of applying paintings.

Various materials, for example, bamboo or cork wallpapers, their paper, non -woven or vinyl brothers, as well as coatings made of wood veneer, fiberglass or textiles dictate each adhesive and set of actions when fixed on the surface. It is important to know what you are dealing with and to get acquainted with the relevant regulations and nuances, otherwise you risk spoiling the canvas even when cutting. It is fundamentally to know what tools to use to form wallpaper of the required size and shape, so impregnate them with glue or not, to apply it in the end or overlap, smear the joints or additionally fix with brackets and cloves.

It is clear that a person who is far from the world of repairs will be uncomfortable from a huge amount of information. The ability to make an error is extremely great, to everything else, if premium wallpaper or higher are used, then its price will be noticeable for the budget. Prices for a similar service are much lower, for example, waving wallpaper in the hall in Moscow, depending on the size of the room and material of the canvas, begins from several hundred rubles per square meter and includes a full range of services with wall preparation.

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