The buildings

Destruction and disinsection of cockroaches

Traditional life lifestyle can violate such “neighbors” as cockroaches. It is not only unpleasant to live with them in one room, but also very dangerous. These mustachioed insects climb on the dishes, as well as on chairs and tables, appear on food and at the same time are different disabilities of various unsafe diseases.

Since ancient times, people ask themselves questions about how to fight them. It should be noted that the disinfection of these pests will help to eliminate this problem. It should be noted that cockroaches most often propagate in those places where there is some kind of food. For this reason, we often find them behind door jambs, as well as skirting boards and kitchens.

It is quite difficult to eliminate cockroaches, as they can move from one living rooms to others. In addition, they can do without food for a long time, so you do not have to be sure that after you remove products or garbage, you will completely get rid of them.

Without which pests really cannot do – this is without water. For this reason, they can be met at night in sinks in kitchens or in bathrooms. If you still understand that the disinsection of pests on your own is quite possible for you, make your neighbors on the floors to this struggle.

Before the persecution of cockroaches in their apartments, it is necessary to cut off the path of retreat. You need to find all the places where they arise for this. All ventilation shafts should be covered with gauze and labeled gaps using polymer putty. It is also necessary to compact the conclusions of the sewage pipes leading to the mines.

The essence of the physical method is the use of ultraviolet radiation for disinfection and maintaining sanitation. For the entire area of ​​the processed room, you need to influence ionized rays. Often these methods are used to prevent the occurrence of the offspring of cockroaches and their liquidation at the initial stage. Another method of physicalization on them can be called exposure to elevated temperatures when using special equipment. This event is carried out only on the “bare” walls.

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