
Construction councils from Dmitry Voronin Repair interior furniture house

Before starting laying a laminate, you must make sure that the necessary objects are at hand, namely a kiyanka, a soundproof substrate, a hacksaw, spacer wedges, a foreman, as well as a square and a cav the bracket and a bracket. You need these construction tools, since without their help it is impossible to do all the work.

So, do not forget that laminate laying should be carried out primarily on those surfaces that have the necessary conditions for this and meet the following requirements. So, the basis for the laminate should be solid, perfectly even and dry, which is important. All irregularities must be thoroughly removed before the start of all work with the help of special mixtures that are aligned on their own. You can also use the plywood. It is impossible to lay the laminate on fragile bases, since in this case all the work will be in vain, and the competent laying of the laminate will not be done. Good laminate laying you, dear readers and readers.

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