
Building of buildings – functions and types

Facing facade of houses performs several important functions. It is an equally important detail than the material from which the mansion was erected. After all, a fragile tree reacting to weather changes, after cladding, is able to withstand any cataclysms. Foam concrete after facade finishes is transformed and looks elegant and elegant. That is why the construction of cottages ends with a good cladding.

A more important function of facing is the insulation of the house. After all, many materials pass cold air into the premises. The owners have to spend large amounts of money on heating. But having invested the money in a good high -quality cladding once, the family will forever forget about overpayment for light and gas. No less important function of the cladding is a protective. Foam concrete, for example, is considered fragile building material. He responds poorly to mechanical damage, crumbles and shakes. But the right facing material can save foam concrete and mansion.

Select the facade

Depending on the type of material from which the house was built, you should choose the type of facing material. It differs in price, durability, naturalness, degree of strength and ability to warm the room.

For facing the facades of the building, you can use:

cement -sand facade tiles;

facing brick;

natural stones (granite, marble and others);

profiled sheets;


thermal panels with clinker tiles;

Shpunt boards.

Natural stone is one of the most expensive ways to finish cottages. Moreover, it is considered one of the best ways to give home strength and exquisite look. Block House-inexpensive finishing material made of wood. It is natural, but not very durable. In general, in the construction market, the owner will find a thousand and one proposal of good finishing material. The main thing is to be able to choose the right.

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