In order for the house to always be warm and comfortable, you need to take care of the heating system in advance, an important part of which is the boiler. To successfully choose the boiler, you need to know about their varieties and the main criteria that should be taken into account during the purchase. First you need to carefully look at your house, measure its area, evaluate the level of thermal insulation, and only after that go to the store for buying. You will depend on the above, as well as many other criteria, you need gas boilers, wall -mounted dual -circuit boilers, or a different type of unit for your home will be suitable for your home.
What to consider during the choice of a gas boiler to the house?
Gas boilers differ in their power. To understand what kind of power is required for your home, you should pay attention to the following factors:
the area of the house that needs to be heated;
thermal insulation properties of the building;
the total volume of the heating system;
number of batteries in the house.
Next, you need to decide which boiler to choose: floor or wall?
Here the choice is more dependent on the area of the house. In small apartments, wall -mounted boilers are most often used, meanwhile, they buy flooring for large country houses.
Gas boilers that are installed on the walls have a capacity of up to 20 kW, which is enough for heating an area of up to 200 kV. meters. For houses whose area is more than 200 square meters. m, you need to buy a floor -type units.
For people who want to save the costs of heat energy in the future, it is worth paying attention to condensation boilers, the principle of operation of which helps to consume 15-30% less gas. It should be borne in mind that the cost of such boilers will be an order of magnitude higher than the price of standard devices, but you should not worry about this. Indeed, thanks to their ergonomics, they pay off very quickly during operation.
The choice of a gas boiler must be approached very responsibly. Therefore, if you doubt the correctness of your decisions, it is better to seek help from qualified consultants who will advise you the best option.