The arrangement of the apartment, at home, involves special attention to furniture, which should be functional, ergonomic and aesthetically attractive. The place of storage of things is a cabinet, more and more hosts are chosen not ready, standard from manufacturing factories, but in the form of a built-in design. Custom furniture is made in accordance with the overall style of the premises and taking into account the “utility” of each centimeter of space.
Built -in wardrobe: location, shape, size
A convenient and spacious built -in wardrobe can be ordered in a room with a non -standard layout, for a bedroom and a living room, a children’s or hallway. Different types of furniture with sliding wings are created: in niches and in the entire length of the wall, corner. Когда размеры пространства не позволяют вместить готовую мебель, идеально служит местом хранения Г-образный встроенный шкаф. It has compact dimensions and makes it possible to easily reach any thing. If the area is unlimited, you can create a trapezoidal or triangular place of shelves and shelves behind a beautiful facade, crossbars for things. These types of furniture are quite spacious, they are often chosen for arranging a living room, bedroom or dressing room.
What can be built -in wardrobes, photos shows a sentence in the whole variety. Structures in a niche are an ideal solution to the ergonomics of space and saving funds to create furniture. Decorative decoration will require only the facade visible on the front side. There will be no costs in the materials of the floor, side walls and the ceiling of the cabinet. As a finish and material of sliding wings, the mirror interior, glossy or matte glass, natural wood, laminated chipboard, etc. can act.
Advantages and some disadvantages of furniture
Built -in wardrobes of the compartment save the owners from the need to spend time searching for finished furniture with the desired dimensions and appearance. For any desired place in the house, by the standing standards, an ideal design is created. The spacious interior is equipped according to the requirements of the customer, the decor is selected for the style of the interior of the house. Thanks to built -in furniture in the room, you can hide unaesthetic beams, communications, columns.
Particular attention is paid to the choice of sliding mechanisms. Sometimes poor -quality accessories become unusable. Order furniture in a factory where modern technological processes and equipment, reliable accessories are used in production. As a lack of wardrobes can be called access only to a certain internal zone, since the wings always close some half of the cabinet.