During pregnancy and childbirth in the body of a woman, a number of changes occur, and a large number of internal resources are spent. Therefore, the recovery period takes a certain time. The main task is to return the uterus to its previous state. Discharge after childbirth is directly related to restoration processes in the body. Immediately after childbirth, the female body begins to get rid of everything related to pregnancy. The first thing the placenta is rejected and the vessels are torn, connecting it with the uterus, which drive excess fluid will contract to the original size.
Normal discharge after childbirth
It is impossible to say specifically and unequivocally what exactly the discharge should be after childbirth. Usually in the first 2-3 days after the birth of a child, when a woman is still in a maternity hospital, the discharge is very intense, rich in red. Closer to the time of discharge, for about 4-6 days, the discharge should become less abundant and acquire a darker burgundy color. At this stage, they may contain clots and mucus. Physical loads and contraction of the abdominal muscles are very contraindicated at this time, as this can lead to an increase in the number of secretions. After 2 weeks, they will become brown-yellow, and over time they will be brighter. Moreover, the structure from the mucosa will become more liquid. Such liquid discharge can continue until the moment when the uterus is completely reduced.
Pathological discharge
The discharge must be alert:
with an unpleasant odor;
greenish or bright yellow color;
curd consistency;
accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, itching, an increase in body temperature.
This is a signal for seeking a doctor, since these symptoms can be signs of postnatal complications. In particular, this may indicate inflammation of the walls of the uterus. Naturally, a woman during this period has a certain discomfort from the constant use of gaskets and the impossibility of sexual life. But you need to endure a little, because the restoration of the woman in labor is a very important process that takes time. During the involution of the uterus, it is necessary to monitor the duration and color of the discharge. It is worth remembering that significant deviations from the norm may talk about a possible problem.
How much discharge after childbirth lasts?
The period of uterine contraction can have a different duration, since the body of every woman is very individual. On average, this process takes a month, but in some cases it can stretch for 5-6 weeks, which is also the norm. If the discharge lasts longer than the specified period, a specialist consultation is required, since prolonged blood loss in itself does not promise anything good. Also, the reason for immediate seeing a doctor is a sharp increase in the number of discharge. Or, on the contrary, the discharge ceased quickly and sharply, which in most cases can only mean that your body has quickly recovered, but you still need to visit the gynecologist’s office, because in some cases it may indicate that blood accumulates in the uterus, Without a way out. In order to avoid complications after childbirth, a child who takes birth should make sure that the process of expulsion of the placenta has ended well.
What else do you need to know?
To prevent the possibility of developing inflammatory processes of the postpartum period, it is necessary to understand what normal discharge should be after childbirth. Regardless of the method of childbirth, in the first 2-3 days abundant bloody discharge are the norm. During this period, it is recommended to use special postpartum gaskets or diapers that absorb moisture, since ordinary gaskets with so many fluids cannot cope. Even special postpartum hygiene products must be changed as often as possible, since during this period the mother’s body is weakened, blood vessels are open, there is a risk of inflammatory processes, and the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the mother’s body. Over time, the color and abundance of discharge will change.
After the birth of a child, a woman needs to relax within 2 hours. After she is transferred to the postpartum chamber of the newly made mommy, it is recommended to take a shower. If it is still difficult to do this alone, you can ask a nurse or a nurse for help. It is very useful to lie down on the stomach. This will create pressure, thanks to which the uterus will begin to contract more intensively. Moreover, you need to lie on the stomach as soon as possible.
Returning home with a young mother, of course there are a lot of worries about the baby. But do not forget about yourself. In order for the body to recover safely, it is necessary to maintain personal hygiene at a high level. You can use the decoction of chamomile to speed up the healing process. During the recovery period, it is important to abandon physical exertion and sexual activity, since these factors can help strengthen the discharge. And such a development of events can move us away from the desired result – the speedy return of the uterus to the normal state.