A child and a cigarette is a problem that has touched more than half of the families of the entire globe. Sad, but only adults are to blame for it. Well, look at yourself – according to statistics, almost every second adult who has a pernicious smoking habit, made his first puffs in childhood or adolescence. So now we want our children? After all, his parents have always been an example for the child ..
To correct the situation, parents simply need to make the teenager understand all the consequences of smoking. After all, this process directly affects the appearance of such a dangerous and deadly disease as lung cancer. And the heart may not withstand such a load and constantly fail.
What do we know about tobacco?
The most important component of tobacco is nicotine. This substance has almost the same “parameters” as drugs (heroin, cocaine). Everyone can “get hooked” on it, especially the child.
Constant smoking is the cause of spontaneous cough and throat irritation. Over time, these minor deviations will develop into more serious diseases in the form of bronchitis, increasing blood pressure and increasing the amount and frequency of heart contractions. And we are already silent about the aforementioned lung cancer, which is a sentence.
A few more facts about smoking:
For a person, a mortal dose of nicotine is already 1 mg per kg of body weight;
Nicotine is very well absorbed into the blood, thereby leading to narrowing of the vessels, as a result of which the blood supply to all organs, including the brain, worsens sharply if it does not stop at all;
When smoking in a person, intellectual activity worsens;
The smoker constantly stinks from his mouth and yellow teeth;
A teenager, friends with a cigarette, stops in growth;
Nicotine lowers the protective properties of the body and a person begins to constantly hurt.
Why do children smoke?
The reasons that the child and cigarette become inseparable friends include many factors. For example:
The desire to be like everyone else or even cooler;
the desire to become independent;
desire to lose weight (mainly treat girls);
Stress removal;
the harmful effects of advertising and t. D.
How to prevent smoking?
In order to reduce all the chances of your child’s smoking, try to rub your child from childhood in a power of attorney to the baby. In the presence of warm and trusting relationships, you can start a conversation with him and the dangers of this habit at any time. By the way, it will be very good if you adhere to some rules necessary for such an important conversation:
When discussing this topic, it is worth focusing on the fact that you will not be punishing a child in a coma;
specify that you intend to encourage all its achievements that will not be associated with smoking. It can be both study and sport;
Try to pay attention to the correctness and incorrectness of the actions of a teenager. What is wrong – tell me, but do not declare a direct failure. Confidence – the main incentive not to “break” from the right path;
Show that his opinion is very important for you and in many cases you are ready to listen to him;
Give examples of smoking children who spend half of their pocket money on cigarettes, although they could get some good thing;
You can directly ask, his opinion on the topic “Child and cigarette”. Believe me, from the answer you can draw the most necessary conclusions;
The establishment of the strict rules of the absence of smokers in your house will not be very appropriate. If a teenager wants to smoke, then he will do it behind your back. It is best to gently hint that the smoking person always smells very badly, and indeed, devote him to the consequences of this pernicious habit from childhood.
To start the first conversations that the child and the cigarette are two things are incompatible, and about the general minus of smoking, it costs 10 years. It is at this time that children begin to analyze and draw conclusions on their own.
When parents smoke
All of the above tips may not give the necessary effect if dad or mother smoke themselves. Therefore, before the child’s moralizing, it is worth dealing with adults. And do not be surprised when a baby for 2-3 years takes a wand or pencil in his hands and will “smoke”. Children always imitate their parents, and most of all they do it in the worst situations. And do not scold them for such leprosy. It is necessary or just commenting on here, they say, you can’t do this and mom or dad will not be so, or take the child with a game and take off. Although many psychiatrists generally advise in this case to pretend that they have not noticed anything. But somehow this advice does not encourage-at first the children will smoke jokingly, and then … how to find out that the child smokes?
The teenager came from the street and smells of cigarette smoke from him? Do not rush to draw rash conclusions, maybe he was simply in a smoking team. Talk to him and try to find out why it smells of cigarettes. If he claims that he didn’t smoke, but you will not believe it, then conduct a small test – let him breathe in the jar. If the smell is preserved there, then most likely he lied to you. In this case, do not throw yourself at the child, do not swear. Just talk to him and give all the above arguments against smoking.
If the field of how he breathed into the jar, you will not find the smell there, then you should not relax. Observe your son or daughter – if the child and cigarette have become “inseparable friends”, then the guide can give out the following signs of smoking:
yellowed teeth;
increased susceptibility to colds;
unpleasant odor from the mouth;
irritation of the throat, cough.
If the child refuses to quit smoking
What to do in this case?
Well, firstly, constantly repeat about what harm this process brings. Give examples of relatives or celebrities.
Secondly, make it clear that a teenager will spend his money on cigarettes, on which he could buy, for example, a new computer.
Install a solid rule that binds it not to smoke at home.
Try to occupy your son or daughter with some hobby. For example, sports.
If you smoke, then quit. Otherwise it turns out that all the arguments against smoking will contradict themselves.
A child and a cigarette are a rather scrupulous topic that requires a very difficult solution. Communicate, have common interests and talk about the harmfulness of smoking and, the teenager will be able to abandon the cigarette quite easily. Most importantly – do not shout at him, and even more so do not threaten.