Foam blocks – a common and quite effective material, often used in civil construction. This article considers the features of the foundations for the house from foam blocks.
The foundation for the house of foam blocks, as a rule, does not need high bearing capacity, since foam block is light, compared to brick. Therefore, under the fo -out house, tape bases of small deepening in the soil, different configurations are used. Such bases are a support under the supporting walls of the building. There are many different ways how to lay the foundation under the house of foam blocks: you can arrange a columnar base and apply monolithic reinforced concrete and collect the base from ready -made reinforced concrete elements.
However, one of the most practical and effective is the foundation of a bottle. Ward stone is a strong and reliable material that is connected using a conventional cement-sand mortar. The cycle of works necessary in order to lay the foundation from a bottle stone is as follows:
Digging a trench in the form of a future foundation. This is a rather important stage, since, despite simplicity, there are some subtleties. The bottom of the trench should be even. In addition, it is necessary to prepare the bottom: fall asleep and tamp sand or pour thin concrete.
Lock stone masonry. A kind of “formwork” is laid out of a bottle stone – two thin walls that create a contour of the future base. The height of these walls should correspond to the necessary height of the base.
Reinforcement. Inside this design made of laundry stone, rods of reinforcement must be placed. They need to be put on bricks so that they do not directly touch the bottom. You need to connect the rods with each other using special wire knitting techniques, welding is not allowed. Thus, the foundation of the house is strengthened.
Bill with concrete. Strengthening the foundation of the house will be successfully completed when the concrete is tamped and froze. When tamping concrete, a peculiar white liquid can be released, the so -called “cement milk”. This is normal, it should be: it is this substance that makes concrete hard and turn into stone.
The base of the house, made in this way, is poorly suitable for marshy soils and other soils with poor bearing capacity. This is due to the fact that this base reacts extremely poorly to soil precipitation, as a result of heterogeneous sediment and can crack.