
Turkish resort real estate loses in quality but wins in price

Lithuania, Greece, Latvia and Turkey are those countries where housing is relatively cheap, reports the Metrinfo Real Estate Journal in the material about foreign real estate. This is especially true for those Russians who can allow themselves to buy real estate abroad.

Greece is currently the most “popular”, that is, a strange eurozone mentioned, due to its difficulties and problems. We can say that buying real estate in this country today is not the most justified decision. However, the real estate market of this country cannot but attract low prices. The threshold of entering the market of high -quality real estate objects starts approximately from a mark of 1000 euros per square meter, and if you try, you can find offers at lower prices, depending on the proximity to the coast, the region, the development of infrastructure, and so on. For example, small apartments five minutes from the center of Thessalonik can be bought for 48 thousand euros, and in the Chalkidiki region popular in our citizens – for 100 thousand euros you can take even a small house with three bedrooms and a total area of ​​125 square meters.

The cost of one square meter in the new housing of Latvia and Lithuania starts from 1200 euros, and the average price is 2-2.5 thousand euros. A good apartment in a new building can be found for 50-80 thousand euros. But this will be a minimum price that is characteristic only for small towns or for the sleeping areas of Vilnius and Riga, but in resorts and in the capital’s centers, housing, as a rule, costs more, while the meter is more. So, the average size of apartments in Latvia and Lithuania is 30-100 square meters depending on the number of rooms, and in some residential complexes of the capitals you can find apartments for 200-300 square meters, where even one-room apartments occupy about 40 squares.

The quality of housing in Turkey cannot be called very high, especially if we consider the options for purchasing housing in small towns. The average apartment for 56 square meters in a big city, for example, in Istanbul or Antalya can be purchased by only 35 thousand euros. But the apartments for 110 squares with decoration and incomplete furniture in Alanya, in the house located on the Augine of the Sea, can be bought for 46 thousand euros. And even the villa in Kemer on the very shore of the sea will cost about 180 thousand euros. It should be noted that all these are not completed objects under construction, but finished primary housing will cost 15-30 percent more expensive. It turns out that it is in Turkey that real estate prices are the most acceptable among the four countries under consideration.

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