
Preparation for the installation of windows PVC

Do -it -yourself installation of PVC windows is not such a difficult operation that can save when repairing your home. And if the direct installation of the window is a technology that requires a more detailed study, then the preparatory process can be carried out according to recommendations of a general nature. The procedure for replacing windows begins with the measurements of the existing opening, which must be carried out extremely neatly and carefully.

The algorithm for measuring window openings for houses built from any material (arbolite blocks, beams, brick, etc.) next. The width of the opening is measured along the window sill between the side slopes, the height is measured from the windowsill strictly vertically to the upper slop, the length of the window sill is from the edge to the edge of the window sill, and the depth of the window sill to the edge of the window sill to the window frame along the slope of the side. Then they measure the width of the slopes along the distance from the beginning of the wall to the frame. The depth of the drainage is measured from the outside (from the street) from the window opening, and is a distance along the slope of the side from the edge of the tide to the window frame.

On measurements, the future window is calculated. The window width should be about 3 cm less than the opening-one and a half centimeters on each side are left on the mounting seams. In height, they plan a window less than the opening, for somewhere by 5 cm-one and a half on top of the mounting seam, the rest from below on the windowsill.

With a finished window, we proceed to the preparation of the installation site. It is desirable that the room is non -residential and empty for the duration of the installation, or cash furniture should be covered with a protective film, or preferably with sheets of plywood or organ. The following is the removal of the wings of the old window, the breakdown of the window frame, the dismantling of the drainage and the windowsill, cleaning the opening of construction waste. Remember that the size of the window opening cannot be greatly changed, otherwise the finished window may not fit.

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