The buildings

Historical prerequisites for urban planning climatology

In the areas of the North, hydroponics and landing in the ground, plants for watering plants, which are included even without the participation of tenants – automatically, or from the general control panel; The radiant heating systems on the loggias of people and plants will appear, screenwriting devices with electronic controls for regulating the solar and wind regime, transforming film and other fences, solar panels.

In the future, it will be possible to use a light pipeline – a fundamentally new means of lighting light on a bunch of directed fiberglass – for illuminating the spaces of the dwelling that do not have windows.

Less than necessary, attention is paid to the relationships of the natural-climatic conditions with the layout of buildings. It is noted that the tasks of the architect in the field of architectural climatology are to analyze the climatic conditions of the construction site, identifying regulatory and non -normative requirements for the selected place in connection with the climate, the selection of the most significant of them and the reflection of these requirements in the project and the architectural appearance of the object. At the same time, it is believed that the optimization of climatic conditions in the resettlement system is in a subordinate position in relation to other city -forming factors: the availability of resources of the life support of settlements, the availability of transport routes, protection from possible attacks of the enemy, etc. D. Therefore, the climatic topology and morphology of urban layouts, the resettlement system as a whole, despite all the evidence of their dependence on the natural and climatic conditions, has not yet been developed.

However, if you refer to the combined schemes of the supporting frame of resettlement in Russia and the comfort of climatic conditions for human residence, it will not be difficult to conclude how well the first of them fits into the second. The question arises: whether the natural and climatic conditions of the emergence and functioning of the settlements are in a subordinate attitude to the economic, geographical and socio-political aspects? To search for an objective answer to this question, we turn to the results of a brief historical review of the processes of the formation and development of settlements in the “pre -industrial” time that allow us to draw the following conclusions.

Modern building materials and technologies allow you to make an apartment unique, to emphasize the taste of the owner. For example, a great option would be to buy and install stretch ceilings that perfectly complement the room decor.

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