
Garden plants in landscape design

When the construction work in the garden is completed, you can start filling it. Since it is necessary for the garden to combine with the house territory and the house itself, to begin with it, decide on its style. It consists of constantly planted and landscape plants. As a rule, they follow this principle: the territory located near the house is planted with plants that need to be planted regularly, and by moving away from it the vegetation should acquire a landscape style.

You need to take care of the soil in the garden. During digging, the top layer of soil with fertilizers is desirable to lie deeper and vice versa. The earth needs to plow it and in the spring, when the weather stabilizes in late autumn after harvesting. Plant soil is necessary in the garden for the active growth of plants, since it is in such soil that there are all the necessary minerals and fertilizers. Before the construction of the garden, you need to plant perennial plants, such as decorative shrubs and trees, which are the basis of the garden. Do not save when choosing them, and buy only small seedlings, since such plants are growing slowly. Therefore, the garden will not represent the finished composition until their maturity.

If your garden is large, then it can be divided into several zones with the help of hedges that perfectly protect small plants and flowers from strong winds. Choose shrubs up to 2 years, and after planting them, cut them. So you will increase the pace of plants and significantly improve their appearance.

You cannot call the garden full -fledged without trees. They can be planted in several ways: drill and trees plant them by decreasing their height or group planting of the same in height of trees. So in a few years a magnificent and voluminous crown of young trees will form.

Flowers are best planted in groups by flowering time. Thanks to this, your garden will have a more advantageous look. There is one nuance before their landing: it is necessary that the plants look harmoniously, combine with each other shades of their flowers. Beautiful and original compositions will become a real decoration of the garden, its highlight and your pride. It is best to plant flowers and trees in the spring, when the weather stabilizes, and severe frosts will be the past.

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